How Indians Lived

    Native Americans       .San Manuel        Powwow.    Prairie Chicken Dance        Round Dance        Pow Wow Grand Entrance    Mens Fancy Dance        Native American Hoop Dance   Native American Drum Circles        Rain dance        The Warren Wilderness    .        Bear Creek Pow Wow        Native American Music (Shoshone)        dance (Apache) 3        Wonderful life - Native American music        Native American Indian        Cree War Dance        Music    Music & Chants    Lakota Healing Song       Wolves    Cougar!    

    500 Nations The Story of Native Americans 1        500 Nations The Story of Native Americans - 2
  Hopi War Dance        Sioux Honor Song        Pow Wow        Trail of Tears Documentary
Chief Seattle's speech (by Mark Sawalha)

Americans before Columbus and the development of Corn
America Before Columbus National Geographic Part 1        America Before Columbus Part 2     America Before Columbus pt3     America Before Columbus Part 2      America Before Columbus pt3     America Before Columbus (Part 4)     America Before Columbus pt 5     Plymouth settlement
Plea of Chief Joseph     Cheif Joseph I will fight no more forever    Words From Chief Joseph
Stories from the Stone Age 1    Stories from the Stone Age 2      Stories from the Stone Age 3     Stories from the Stone Age 4    Stories from the Stone Age 5    Stories from the Stone Age 6    Stories from the Stone Age 7    Stories from the Stone Age 8    Stories from the Stone Age 9     Stories from the Stone Age 10     Myths vs History : Native Americans    Stories from the Stone Age 12

  The 10 Indian Commandments     Untold Truth Native Americans
Once upon a Time  Happy Peaceful