Police Fire and Defense

Police, Civil Defense, Fire Protection and Courts

"The Merry-go-round Broke Down" (Looney Tunes theme)   Fire and Police    Warren Police Department History    More Fire Dept Fotos
Warren Fire Deparment History    Warren Fire Chiefs     Fire Related Fotos    Court
Warren Fire Dept Fotos    Old Police Mansion    Fire Scenes 1    Two   . Three    Four
Always Ready, Ever Vigilant    Detroit "An American Tragedy"
Fire Fighter Anthem - This One's For The Firefighters     Social Documentary - Fire Fighters
Detroit on Fire- a documentary     Detroit EMS: No Unit Available...PERIOD!

Oakland Police Beat a Woman at Occupy Oakland Raid 10-25-11
Detroit is Burning”7 Action News    1990 ABC Primetime Live: Detroit's Agony

Shots fired at "Occupy Oakland" protest -Live coverage

Occupy Oakland video: Riot police fire tear gas, flashbang grenades    LIKE A WAR ZONE

Detroit Fire Department action "Stretching on a dwelling"