Our Libraries


 Center Line Rec Building Joiner House
Both Center Line and Warren public libraries were started when local citizens got together collected books and found a place to place them. 
In Center Line a group of men formed the Men's Club of Center Line.  This was in 1928 before there were any Rotary or Lions clubs etc.  They accumulated about 500 volumes.  The library was housed in the basement of the Center LineCommunity Church which later became the Presbyterian Church.  It was housed later to several stores then to the above pictured Center Line recreation building.  Finally it moved to its present building. 

Warren’s first library

The Joiner House was built in 1895 by Robert and Eliza Joiner.  In 1935 this is where Warren’s first library was located.  (in the front parlor)  Through the efforts of a local group of three women (Miss Elkin, Mrs. Parrott and Mrs. Zorn) the Warren Community Library was formed.  The committee managed to get 516 books donated to it and borrowed another 200 from the state.  Three community women headed up the committee and Chris Anna Zorn donated the use of her Sunday parlor for the use of the library.  That is how the Warren library started in 1935 with 716 donated books. You can see the historical marker now in front of the Joiner house in Warren Village. 

 In 1936 the village council accepted the library as an official village institution.  By 1940 it had moved to larger quarters twice and grown to a collection of 5,000 books. The Warren library also was housed at several locations each one improved over past ones.

Above was in 1951

L to R Wes Lepanin, ?, Leslie Foss, ?,