You can go to College. Help to go to college, scholarships, grants, loans, internships, money for college is out there and findable on the Internet.
You can go to College
Your child can go to College.
There are many millions of dollars in scholarships that go unpaid every year because no one even applied for them. And there are online classes. Some at no cost.
You can go to College.
Also most colleges have additional financial aid for students.
If all else fails you can borrow money to go to college.
Of course many people just work and pay for it themselves. Sometimes you can get reimbursed for classes from your employer. Some students find a sponsor who will help them with college expenses.
Some people go into a field because they can get a scholarship that helps with the first few years of college. Sometimes they then switch to a field that they like better.
If foreign aliens can get financial aid so can you. Sometimes you have to shop colleges and fields to get help.
If you are a straight A student you may have several scholarships available to you.
Do a search for scholarships yourself. Beware of many places who want your personal information first. Better to talk to financial aid folks at your local community college who may offer the best deal around.
Seriously check out your local community college. They often have many resources that are not advertised. Our local ones here in Michigan even offer Internships, work-study, and job placement help. And the cost of attending is much less then at big name schools. Also consider that you may not need a full four year degree, at least right away to get to a good position. There are some good jobs opening that the employer will hire youbased on your past demonstrated abilities and your potential rather than your actual knowledge and reimburse you for future classes taken.
In searching for these jobs network, network, network, network. Print up your own business cards with your name email address basic information and give these to friends and possible job leads. Toot your own horn. Offer friends a finders fee. A nice money reward if they are the one who helped get you that good job. You can pay them after you get a good check. Incentives work. This used to be called a finders fee.
More than $119 billion in grants, work-study funds and low-interest loans were awarded by the federal government last year to help students afford college.
To apply, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in the winter of your senior year.
Find out How to Complete the FAFSA
What about Internships?
Any good work experience that gives you a good reference is a positive. Internships can offer additional experience.
According to a 2012 Millennial Branding/Experience, Inc. survey, 91% of employers think that students should have between one and two internships before graduating. In addition, 87% feel that internships should be at least 3 months in length for students to gain enough experience.
Hone your skills: Internship experience can show employers that you have already developed related skills/experience, worked in a professional environment, and are serious about your field.
Figure out what you want to do: It’s better to learn that auditing isn’t right for you during an internship than in your first job after graduation. One of the greatest benefits of an internship is that you get to check out different fields and companies to see if they match your expectations.
Employers use them as a recruiting tool: Many employers hire directly from their internship pool, so getting your foot in the door through an internship can give you a huge advantage for landing a full-time position after graduation.
The most important factor to consider when looking for an internship is where you can gain the most related experience—not the size of the company or whether an internship is paid or unpaid.
Prior to launching your internship search, consider the positions and companies that you are interested in applying to in the future. This will help you be strategic about the places and internships that you target.
Set goals
Network and conduct informational interviews
Volunteer for projects
Track your accomplishments
Stay positive/be eager
above internship stuff from
List of Scholarships My students have looked these up and here is summary for each.
The following are links to some of the better scholarship sites.
But be cautious about giving personal information. Set up a temporary email address for Internet inquiries and make up a phony ID, phony address and phone. Make up a phony you with the only link the email which you can also set up with phony info.
In this way you have a little protection from scams and telemarketers. Real colleges don't sell your information or use telemarketers. Except perhaps the bird rising from the ashes.
Avoid paying a fee. Reputable places do not do that.
Michigan Student Aid
Also go to Macomb's Financial Aid office in G building for more and the latest newer help.
Paying for college in Michigan
Michigan now has two years of tuition free college / occupational training. Their website is constantly changing so you will have to search using words student aid, scholarships (do check this one also as there are new ones pop up often) or career, or mitc (Michigian Training Connect), job seeker.
Financial Aid 101
The Basics on Grants and Scholarships
College loans
College Scholarships | US News & World Report
The Scholarship Coach
Find scholarships to help you pay for school. - Fastweb
Sallie Mae Sweepstakes
Scholarship America Scholarship America's mission is to mobilize America, through scholarships and educational support, to make postsecondary success possible for all students.
Also you can do a Google search for scholarships and find even more.
Eliminate transportation costs take an online class.
Elininate dorm costs. Live at home.
Don't take the class at all just study and test out of it with CLEP or Department tests. The cost is just the cost of the test. Could be $60. Better than paying $400-1400 for the class. Also you can visit classes. Make friends with students, get a used book, take the student to lunch and get notes etc. View online lectures or listen to podcasts by teachers. Use free tutors who are sometimes available. Pay another student who knows topic for things that you are stuck on. Buy her lunch at Wendy's and get the answers to your questions.
How to get your textbooks free or at reduced prices
Ways to get books free
My students have found that if they shop around they can often get their books for much less than the bookstore is selling them for. Buying direct from other students saves a lot, Craig's list has often lower prices or free books. What? Well some people have classes that their employer has paid for and they just want to give their books to a needy student. I have had several students get free books in this way.
Using sites like dealoz, shopzilla, amazon, chegg and others found in a search for your required text book can result in getting used books for $10 rather than paying over $100 for new price.
Renting books can be cheaper
Getting e-text books can be much less expensive and sometimes free. Sometimes you can get the most important parts of a text nearly free.
Borrow the text book or a similar one from library. With Inter library loan sometimes you can get the book even if the local library does not have it. Then you can take notes. Take pictures of illustrations etc.
Ask professors for their last semesters slightly out of date book. Explain you are on a budget. As a college teacher I have several slightly out of date books.
Download the material from online sources. Some material such as classics and history are no longer copyrighted. In fact there are over 4 million ebooks available online many for free.
Note don't buy an expensive Kindle or other book reader. If you must get a book reader many cheaper ones do the job just as well. In fact if you get one with a bistable screen you can use it for a month without charging the batteries. Use a notebook computer instead. It has much better storage possibilities and more features. Do take advantage of NFC Near Field Communication free exchange between students.
Free cycle sites sometimes offer deals as to swap events and blogs.
Some professors are going to open source books which offer free texts.
Sometimes you can get the international edition of a book for much less money and get it used for even less.
Note some students get their books free by stealing them. This is becoming a problem with expensive books. So I advise all students to not leave their books unguarded. I even had an expensive book taken from my class after showing to the class when I went to fix a jammed printer and simply had my back turned. We tell students to print their name in a book in a couple of places in ink. Also the book stores also check the names. When a student reports a book stolen they look for books turned in with that students name which is sometimes also on a certain page. For example if you put your name in ink in the inside binding margin on page 222 it is unlikely to be seen by the stealer but the bookstore can look there and if found can have the seller arrested. Sellers are required to have a credit put on their accounts. This doesn't stop all thefts but as word gets around it reduces temptation.
There are thousands of classes online and with new tools many can be free. Even some top ranked Universities are allowing professors to put their lectures online for users to see and hear at no cost.
Salman Khan has created the Khan Academy a non profit that posts lectures on Youtube. You can also get certificates from them on classes you take. They have classes on many topics. And 43,000 videos. All are free. Khan Academy
Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Michigan and many others offers free online classes.P2PU (Peer 2 Peer University), Khan Academy, Education Portal, iTunes U (increasingly offering full-fledged courses)., MIT OCW Scholar courses, edX, udacity. Offers 393 free online courses taken by over 4 million students.
MOOC are Massive Open Online courses and are being offered by many schools. and by Coursera and Ucacity.
kahnacademy says Learn almost anything for free. With a library of over 4,200 videos on everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and hundreds of skills to practice, we're on a mission to help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace. Here are some: Math, Arithmetic and pre-algebra, Calculus, Linear algebra, Algebra, Probability and statistics, Applied math, Geometry, Differential equations, Recreational mathematics, Trigonometry and precalculus, Science & Economics, Biology, Organic chemistry, Healthcare and medicine, Chemistry, Finance and capital markets, Physics, Microeconomics, Cosmology and astronomy Humanities, World History, Art History, American Civics, Test Prep, SAT Math, CAHSEE, Competition Math, GMAT California Standards Test, IIT JEE, Partner Content Stanford School of Medicine, MIT+K12.
In recent years massive open online courses (MOOCs) have become a trend in online education. The term was coined in 2008 by David Cormier, manager of web communications and innovations at the University of Prince Edward Island. The first MOOC was created the previous year, at Utah State University.
MOOCs are designed like college courses but are available to anyone anywhere in the world, at no cost. You do not receive a college credit, but you will receive a certificate of completion when you complete all coursework. The courses span dozens of subjects and are taught by some of the leaders in those fields. The courses are designed to be interesting, fun and rigorous; the courses are not just in science, and not just in English.
Coursera is perhaps the most well-known of the online education facilitators. Their latest numbers indicate that they have 17,000,000 enrollments from students representing 190 countries. There are 240,000
students in their most popular class. Coursera has over 400 courses in more than 20 categories, created by 85 Universities from 16 countries. Their courses are available in 12 different languages.
EdX is another non-profit course site created by founding partners Harvard and MIT and based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. EdX offers MOOCs and interactive online classes in subjects including law, history, science, engineering, business, social sciences, computer science, public health, and artificial intelligence (AI). It has partnerships with tertiary institutions in the U.S., Canada, Australia, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Japan, China and Korea.
MIT has their own open courseware, where most of the materials used in the teaching of almost all of MIT's subjects are available on the Web, free of charge. They have more than 2,000 courses available. Stanford also has their own online and open courses. These are great options if you prefer to work at your own pace, as compared to structured classes like those offered at Coursera and EdX.
CodeAcademy teaches programming and coding in online, free and interactive lessons.
Other sites, like Open Culture, are not affiliated with tertiary institutions. On Open Culture, the editor finds the free courses and audio books on the web and hosts them on the site. The courses are audio & video and can be downloaded straight to a computer or mp3 player.
This is by no means a complete list of all site and institutions that offer free online courses.
see more schools with free classes for more.
Read more at Even more here and free
US News report on online education They evaluated 860 online education programs and listed the best here. These can give you full college credit for your study.
Within the next 20 years Online Education will probably dominate the education field.

They have myDreamExplorer. ITS FREE
The myDreamExplorer website assists students make career
and education decisions, following a four-step plan.
Assess: Refine interests and skills
Explore: Narrow the possibilities
Decide: Make initial career choices
Plan: Set short- and long-term goals
contain a variety of resources and tools to provide users
with the information to make sound career decisions:
Career biographies GREAT GREAT
Career videos GREAT GREAT
Career planning information and activities
Career/education/work experience resources
Video workshop for parents
Around the clock access from a web-connected computer
They have a FREE program
that helps students make career and education decisions
It includes the Michigan occupational Information system in which:
You can Discover your interests and abilities,
Explore careers and education options,
Set goals and make decisions.
This includes assessments, career briefs, postsecondary school information
and a college scholarship database.
They also have a FREE CLASS in selecting a career or occupation
This Michigan Virtual School course helps students wrestle with some of the burning questions about their futures: What am I going to do with my life? What is the world of work like? What will I need to succeed? How do I match my interests with work? Using a variety of multimedia, course topics explore these questions and more.
CareerForward® helps students understand how to plan their work lives and career opportunities amid the implications of the global economy. This award-winning, no-cost online course for Michigan students.
Michigan Virtual University - STUDENT
Michigan Virtual University also has other class that middle school and high school kids can take but these are not free.
You can get 4-Year Credits on the cheap with Online Community College Classes.
Macomb Community College has online and onground glasses.
And they have financial aid and some scholarships.