This is a Free Community Historical Educational Archive of Macomb County Michigan Area.
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Wise ones agree the best rule of human interaction is:
Always do to others as you would want done to yourself.
Bring no harm to another by your actions or inaction.
Let's Make This The STANDARD OF HUMAN CONDUCT for All.

Very Important info you need to know now about a big change in jobs IMPORTANT!
Very soon over half of current jobs are going to be replaced by something making it so Humans need not apply.
Also many regular jobs will be replaced by virtual teams recruited by applicants from around the world to do temporary projects.
This will mean huge competition and thousands of new work from home jobs.
Enjoy Beautiful America.
Before we get into history here are a few good things:
Turn on your sound and ENJOY
Amazing Flight in Grand Canyon with nice music
This is a National Geographic Amazing Flight Over The Grand Canyon 6 minutes long.
The New World Trade Center Fountain at night nice music well worth a minute
see Havasu
Falls well worth 45 seconds
Pale Blue Dot
Carl Sagan
A Way of Thinking IMPORTANT 
Build Road of Peace
This is considered the best folk song
in the world and has the greatest music. Ludwig van Beethoven: Ode to Joy
This Land is Your Land
Star Spangled Banner Boston Pops & Ayla Brown
God Bless America
America the Beautiful
My Country Tis of Thee
surprise A little girl puts a coin in a street musicians had and an amazing thing happens
Amazing flash mob from the other side of the world
Look at this and get an education on the world now.
Canon Before Beethoven, before Mozart there was Pachelbel. Canon in D favorite classical song.
'Try A Little Kindness'
Carol of the Bells Here is an expensive modern concert looks like. Trans-Siberian Orchestra Quite an experience.
Scotland the Brave Amazing Grace real orchestra
Auld Lang Syne Andre Rieu big orchestra
You Raise me Up Beautiful scenes and music
America the Beautiful Beautiful scenes and music
Blowing in the Wind Peter Paul and Mary
If I had a hammer Peter Paul and Mary
Where Have All The Flowers Gone PP&M
Times they are a Changing PP&M
God Bless the USA
You'll Never Walk Alone Andrι Rieu
Quick Look at New WTC 54 seconds
New WTC fly thru 90 seconds
One World Trade Center nears completion 3 minutes
and This is my Country
3 minutes
Very Important
Very Important!

American Legion Warning to US Warning to US
Great Videos about History 1917-1999 Videos about History
Trains, Trolleys Watch some great videos.