This is a Free Community Historical Educational Archive of Macomb County Michigan Area. Web site is

  Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Wise ones agree the best rule of human interaction is:
Always do to others as you would want done to yourself.
Bring no harm to another by your actions or inaction.
Let's Make This The STANDARD OF HUMAN CONDUCT for All.  

Very Important info you need to know now about a big change in jobs IMPORTANT! Very soon over half of current jobs are going to be replaced by something making it so Humans need not apply. Also many regular jobs will be replaced by virtual teams recruited by applicants from around the world to do temporary projects. This will mean huge competition and thousands of new work from home jobs.

Enjoy Beautiful America.

Before we get into history here are a few good things:  Turn on your sound and ENJOY   Amazing Flight in Grand Canyon with nice music This is a National Geographic Amazing Flight Over The Grand Canyon 6 minutes long.
      The New World Trade Center Fountain at night nice music well worth a minute WONDERFUL WTC
see Havasu Falls well worth 45 seconds   wow
  Pale Blue Dot Carl Sagan
  A Way of Thinking IMPORTANT  
  Build Road of Peace This is considered the best folk song in the world and has the greatest music. Ludwig van Beethoven: Ode to Joy
  This Land is Your Land
  Star Spangled Banner Boston Pops & Ayla Brown
  God Bless America
  America the Beautiful
  My Country Tis of Thee
  surprise A little girl puts a coin in a street musicians had and an amazing thing happens
  Amazing flash mob from the other side of the world Look at this and get an education on the world now.
  Canon Before Beethoven, before Mozart there was Pachelbel. Canon in D favorite classical song.
  'Try A Little Kindness'
  Carol of the Bells Here is an expensive modern concert looks like. Trans-Siberian Orchestra Quite an experience.
  Scotland the Brave Amazing Grace real orchestra
  Auld Lang Syne Andre Rieu big orchestra
  You Raise me Up Beautiful scenes and music
  America the Beautiful Beautiful scenes and music
  Blowing in the Wind Peter Paul and Mary
  If I had a hammer Peter Paul and Mary
  Where Have All The Flowers Gone PP&M
  Times they are a Changing PP&M
  God Bless the USA
  You'll Never Walk Alone Andrι Rieu
Quick Look at New WTC 54 seconds
New WTC fly thru   90 seconds
One World Trade Center nears completion   3 minutes
and This is my Country   3 minutes

Very Important Very Important!
American Legion Warning to US Warning to US  

Great Videos about History 1917-1999 Videos about History Trains, Trolleys Watch some great videos.

Wonderful trips also. Durango Silverton. Amtrak across the USA Train Travel Trains and Trolleys Across USA
800 of the best old wonderful music pieces Best Old Music

American Contemporary Opinions What Americans are privately saying. Colorful, interesting, sometimes shocking, amusing and informative. Truly Unique Current Historical Perspective.
Scholarships You and your child can go to college now, Free classes, Scholarships Millions of dollars in scholarships are not given out every year because no one even applies for them.
Student Success Helping Your Student's Success Important info for success.

Scouting, Important things to know from the Scout Handbook Some of these could save your life.

YOU CAN GET FREE SOLAR POWER You can save money and never have to worry about power outs.
And it is now affordable and you can do it yourself for under $300.

Want to surf the Internet and not have to worry about viruses, and stop paying Microsoft money every year and put windows on every machine free and get 20,000 free and good programs all free. Check out the Linux Mint now number 3 in the world. Even Microsoft uses it on some of their equipment.   Linux Mint Free


    Welcome to the Free and Factual*
Educational Archive of Warren-Center Line MI Area History
*Every fact on this site is correct. If anything is proven otherwise I will correct it.

Photo above from Mike Grobbel Collection see his wonderful website

This is a Local History Educational Archive compiled by a college professor has over 9,000 pictures and over 16,000 pages of text. The author is happy to present an AUDIO / VISUAL (or exhibit of 200 11x17 pictures) presentation of the best pictures to groups. No speaking fee.

Here below are links to each page in this archive. FREE TO ALL. Send in a copy of your pictures, family stories, biographies, histories of families. I am actually paying a money reward for some needed pictures as an incentive just to get people to share. Send to All is shared with everyone on this community DVD and preserved for future generations to learn from.
All without charge.
Everything is decent.

You may pick up the DVD containing this archive free at
Silicon Alley Recyclers 24836 Ryan just S of 10 Mile next to and south of Wendy's at 10 Mile on Ryan Warren Mi

Get a nice quality reliable computer for $79 and up.
Many name brands Laptops from $79. Visit showroom. This guy gets these good machines from businesses who write them off. All are redone, checked out have new Windows, Open office and Anti Virus programs installed. These are good quality machines. He also has other electronics like printers at low prices. I got a laser printer for $50. Each cartridge gives me thousands of copies. Sometimes he has those for $5. His Facebook page

My purpose is simply to preserve our local history, our American way of life and Freedom. My time of being alive here is almost over. Soon I will be sprinkled in the cemetery and I will be forgotten. It was an honor to have compiled this history of several thousand pages and several thousand pictures. What is more important is that you share this with future generations and that you continue to find and publish old pictures and even more important that you preserve our Freedom. (There are many who are working to steal it away from you. You need to be informed and aware of what is happening.) I have shared all of my research, and pictures discovered to all for free.
Best wishes to all. Signed Professor Wesley E. Arnold humanitarian historian.

  Educational Archive of Warren Michigan Area History

Directions Put DVD in a computer DVD drive and double click on START HERE which has many nice links just click on any page to see or print it. This DVD is a collection of pictures and PDF files and is not a playable movie. The links below are PDFs or pictures which can be viewed or printed. Pages are listed singly, or in groups of several pages or in groups of 10 or 100 for easier viewing or printing.

Here is the general outline
Introduction To The Work
General Introduction
General Summary
Pre Human Eras
BC years-1799
2020+ Creating A Better Future
Bibliography & Historians
General Cemeteries
St Clement Cemetery
Warren Union Cemetery
Farmers Diaries from 1800s
Other Documents
Farms And Farming
Fire Fighting
Macomb County
Phone Books
Reminisces And Stories
Schools And Graduates
Who were Streets named After
Wars that Killed our Young People
Who’s Who And Old Families Introduction
Appendix The following were so big it is better to put them at the end.
Attacks on our Country
Death Records
St Clement Stones by grave
St Clement Death Records
Warren Union Cemetery Stones by grave
Who's Who and Old Families by individual

Concise History of the Center Line-Warren Michigan Area


  Concise History of Warren 2018 Showing over 1000 pictures in one place.

        Index 500 pages long Is being updated
  Use the contents to the entire archive to find things. Contents 2018

There is a summary book in color of 200 pages listed by page below. This is costly to print and I am on social insecurity so I have to ask you to print your own. However I print a few yearly to give to libraries and to people who help me in this historical project. Feel free to ask me for one but expect me to ask you about providing some research to add to this project.   1 title page Drawing of Geodesic Dome Home Strongest structure by weight. Most economical to build. Can withstand tornado.

  2 Copyright page

  3 Introduction

  4 Much More is in the whole archive

  5 Our Flag and Our American Way of Life This page shows our flag which stands for Freedom with Liberty and Justice for All. There is a colorful paragraph showing our American Way of Life which is what our soldiers fought for and what we veterans and patriots want to preserve. This is often overlooked and not taught in our schools today.

  6 some Lessons of History

  7 Subways and other good Ideas Subways providing cheap safe weather free transportation anywhere locally, eliminating traffic and parking hassles, underground shopping malls that everyone even handicapped and seniors can get to, scientific local growing of our food providing safer more nutricious food, Beautiful parks instead of cement. Let's make it happen.

  8 A positive look at the Future eye glass fones, wrist computer-fones, medical research, education, mass transit, local grown food is safer, more nutritious and benefits local economy, replace welfare with workfare, replace concrete with parks, solar shingles, efficient functional punishment for crimes, reuse rainwater, regulate corporate greed, stop waste in government, public utilities non profit, require congress to abide by all laws it passes, more and better planning, and more

  9 Mu RFID powder chips will be in everything, all will be trackable, automation, Artificial Intelligence, Bots replacing most jobs, working at home, virtual teams robots both assisting and taking jobs. Beware the Bots are coming! more

  10 Inventions and how they are changing our lives now and in the future

  11 Michigan Wild Animals They were here before us.

  12 Farm Animals were important to the survival of the farm family.

  13 Our Early Ancestors pictorial

  14 Daily Activity of the past

  15 Log Cabin inside and outside

  16 Making Clothing

  17 Maple Sugaring

  18 Bear Attack, Winter5 Good old days, Old folks at home, The sleigh is sometimes the fastest way, summer love in old days, the home fire place

  19 Bunert Centennial Farm

  20 Music in the old days

  21 St Clement Historic Church Warren Village down town, Bunert, cooking corn, steam tractor, Love Makes Everything A Little Easier.

  22 1926 Fire Truck, Hanselmans Civil War, Misc fotos, Warren Fire Fighter Clowns, St Paul, Rusting Boblo Boats, 57 American LaFrance

  23 Warren Area's Oldest Soldier memorials to our soldiers

  24 The Day Light Train Most beautiful Steam Engine, Diesel engine, dome car, Leviathan

  25 Train Travel the best way to travel scenic views

  26 Train Dining and more views

  27 Boblo Boats 1

  28 Boblo Boats 2

  29 Warren Union Cemetery 1 Volunteer gardener made it beautiful

  30 Burlers, Louis, Alibi Burlers old time store, Village Book Exchange there for 30 years

  31 Warren Union Cemetery 2 Fall Color by sign

  32 Warren Union Cemetery 3 Fall Color by Historic Marker

  33 St Clement Cemetery Views 1 St Clement Cemetery

  34 St Clement Cemetery Views 2 St Clement Cemetery

  35 Old Automobiles Stanley Steamer and others

  36 Aerial fotos of General Motors Tech Center and Bear Creek

  37 Historic Wise Memes Loved by many

  38 Dymaxion Globe Map Buckminister Fuller designed this. Each triangular section has no distortion and entire map can be folded into a globe. Great for students.

  39 Historic Locations in Warren Township area

  40 The Beginning The start of history and early history

  41 Rock Layers The History below our feet

  42, 43 Animals of Past several became extinct in our time

  44 Michigan was under a shallow sea with coral Our area abounded in wildlife in the 1700s, birds so many they darkened the sky, buffalo, cougars, many more

  45 Early Indians Indian life. The terrible 1700s, French and British

  46 The Bloody British 1760-1815 The British burned our capitol, attacked American forts, Massacre at the Raisin

  47 Brutalized Americans Paraded 1813 Indian perspective, Battle of Put In Bay, defeat of the Indians and British, Withdrawal of the British, Begging Indians

  48 Our area becomes American at Last US Constitution

  49 1818 Settlement Rule by Law Begins at last, Justices and sheriffs, diseases, no doctors, no good medicine, Erie Canal

  50 The Wilderness they came in to pictorial of last actual Warren wilderness

  51 The First settlers 11,000 years ago, how they lived, and newer settlers, shelters, last Indian dwelling, European and American settlers

  52 Early land clearing farmers 1830s what they found, who settled, the swamp

  53 Land Grants who stayed

  54 Early Stump Farming

  55 Abel Warren Hero and First Pioneer

  56 inside a log cabin

  57 Daily Activity in 1800s

  58 Big Tree being cut Washing and other daily activities, the good of the good old days

  59 Barn Yard Old Time Life, work and Recreation

  60 Saw Mill Stages Transportation, stages, rail roads, horse drawn rail cars, population figures

  61 The Un-Civil War 1830s-1865

  62 1860 1870s Riding Horses, wagons, results of the war Bidel-Green Cemetery, Gettysburg

  63 Steam Trains Rail Roads, Warren Station

  64 Steam Tractors Sleigh, Drought, Fires, Doctors

  65 Harvesting by horse Farm Animals, 1893 Warren Village drains, Red Run deepened, pollution

  66 Blacksmith Merchants, Notable persons

  67 1869 Tax Bill Notables early 1800s

  68 1850s 1860s 1850-1870 Notables, Log load, farms

  69 Bunert Farm Occupations 1870-1900

  70 Hunters Wolf, Cougar, Hunted Animals, Last Farmer

  71 Early Van Dyke Views at 10 1/2 Mile

  72 Warren Village Center 1800s 1900 Occupations, Doctors, Saloon, Telephone exchange, Hay Bee, industrialization

  73 Steam saw mills Buggy at Buechel House, 1900s Kunrod's Corners

  74 Country Store Buechel's, first Telephone Line Millers Tavern

  75 Trolley Van Dyke Trolley, Pipers Real Estate Office

  76 Warren Village 1800s Store, Bicycle, Early Hotel

  77 Ruts, Misc fotos old Red Run

  78 Stuck Get a Horse Pushing, Ice Skating on Creek, Sliding, Surrey, Autos

  79 Roads early 1900s Mound Bridge, 1900 Occupations

  80 Early fire Police Church Lumber, Warren Village, Early Post Office, Prohibition

  81 Police Stations 1952 Warren Police Dept, Rum Capital

  82 Ryan Road Romanski 1938, Present, Tunnels

  83 Wisdom text

  84 CLFD 1 Early Fire Departments 1

  85 Center Line Fire Department 2 1926 truck, Sunburst Run

  86 Center Line Fire Department 1961 Goodfellows, CL Public Safety, old car

  87 Center Line Fire Department 1970

  88 Fire, Result of Texting Center Line Fire Department

  89 1957 LaFrance 1970s Firemen Color

  90 Chief Norman Smith

  91 Edison, Warren Co-op Steam Tractors

  92 Husking Bee farms, horse power

  93 Old Churches 1 M.E., St Clement, St Paul

  94 Churches 2 Attacks, community, Rule

  95 Churches 3 many pictured

  96 Churches when founded

  97 Warren Village Main Street Color

  98 Baseline Wall Telephone

  99 Ryan Stables, 1900s Van Dyke 1912, flood, Talking machine, ice house

  100 Mudville Mason's factory, Rinke farm, Mound bridge, Warren Village Hall, inter-urbans, paving

  101 Warren Village Main Street Cars 1900s early gas pump

  102 Trolley Off Track 1900s Vandyke views 1920, 1940, Wm Leroy Blacksmith

  103 Center Line Water Tower Van Dyke subdivided, Telephones put in to public, Center Line becomes a Village then City, Warren's first newspaper

  104 Ford Model T, WWI, results of the war

  105 Depression WCTU, 1930s

  106 Telephone, 1930s St Clement Cistern

  107 WWII what Warren area did, jap atrocities

  108 WWII numbers killed, memorials stolen, urbanization, Television, sewage treatment plant, industrialization, Alcoholism

  109 1940s pictorial

  110 1950s Warren wealthiest township in USA, Korean War, results of the war, TV values, pop culture

  111 archers 1960s commercialism, Viet Nam War, 60,000 died, Paul G Haze Drive, population peaked, urbanization

  112 1970s-2000s rise of corporations, outsourcing, off shoring, automation, CEO greed, corporate greed, Worker opinion "No CEO or high ranking official should be paid more than 10 times the pay and benefits of the lowest paid worker."

  113 Vietnam 2007, American technology being given away to foreign manufacturers, excessive foreclosures, surveillance, bankers raising rates, 2000 census.

  114 Homers 2001*2011 half of Warren population below poverty level, thousands of foreclosed homes, working class became forgotten class, 9-11 attacks

  115 Homer, Happenings, Parade 2007, thousands in the fifth of local children without adequate food, dental care, medical care and quality education.

  116 Blimps over Michigan Misc. pictures

  117 Farm Families 1

  118 Classroom, Theisen House, Views Milk Man Misc. fotos

  119 Schools 1 many pictured, installing bell

  120 Sixth Grade Final Exam 1890

  121 Schools 2 The history of our schools

  122 Schools 3 Misc. school pictures

  123 Schools 4 Public School Diploma, "MCCC", moving of Bunert school, volunteer, 16 MM projector

  124 Schools When Built 1

  125 Schools When Built 2

  126 Libraries related ideas

  127, 128 Epitaphs

  129 Cemeteries 1 Bidel-Green-Weier Cemetery, bones dug up by children in school yard, remains dumped as fill dirt

  130 Important Important ideas

  131 Cemeteries 2 more burials than stones in old pioneer cemeteries, twice as many children buried in many years as adults, Warren Union Cemetery

  132 Cemeteries 3 Why Warren Union Cemetery may have hundreds of more burials than stones now show.

  133 Macomb Daily Article

  134 Stolen Memorials

  135 Warren Fire Department 1 History of the Warren Fire Department

  136 Warren Fire Department 2 1961

  137 Warren Fire Department 3 Apparatus Building, Charles Cogsigney killed in barn fire, Henry Morgan in car accident. additional fire department history

  138 Warren Fire Department 4 1940s

  139 Warren Fire Department 5 1950s-2017

  140 Warren Fire Department Chiefs 1

  141 Warren Fire Department Chiefs 2

  142 Fires

  143 Scouting 1

  144 Scouting 2

  145 Scout Good Turn for Community One of hundreds over the years

  146 people fotos Alton Grobbel, The Hanselmans, Daniel Stewart who started this book, Wiegand family, Last Warren farmer, Chief Norman Smith, JFK, Honored Veteran, Abel Warren, Daniel Stewart c1835, Red Cross Volunteer

  147, 148 People Text Intro to Who's Who

  149 Michigan State Fair 1

  150 Michigan State Fair 2

  151 Michigan State Fair 3

  152 Businesses 1 early Warren businesses

  153 Businesses Speedway Sam and Nellie's, Bunert saw mill, Atlas wagon horse team, steel mill

  154 Misc. Zott fotos

  155 Osowski Murthum houses

  156 businesses 1950s

  157 Village and City Halls

  158 Warren City Halls 2

  159 TV victrola Stan Midgley Bee Liner, Good Intent Stage Line, saw mill, telephone exchange, TV in 1950s, telephone booth, Prices of food, Phil's drive in, table music selector, sewing machine, World Book Encyclopedia ringer washing machine, Vandale Theater, car full service, lobby of Motor City Theater, horse meat, Motor City Speedway flier

  160 1960s Drive Ins

  161 Van Dyke 1950 views

  162 Van Dyke 1950 Views 2

  163 St Clement 1 text History

  164 St Clement 2 color drawing 1860 with log cabin, pictorial history

  165 St Clement 3 1960 outside and inside

  166 St Clement 4 aerials

  167 St Clement destruction St Clement Brick school

  168 Clock, HiLo 1960s Homer at organ, Jerome's, Walker Brewing Company, Schoensee, Ben Franklin, Robinson Lumber, Homer's Natures Tranquilizer float, Basil David 30 year sausage vendor

  169 Ladies Clothing 1800s

  170 Rinke, Chatham, Amber McDonalds 15 cents, Motor City Theater, Pastime Lanes, Village Book Exchange

  171 GoodHumor Taste Freez, Soldiers

  172 Ma the Cow fell into the well happenings

  173 Theaters 1 organ pipes

  174 Theaters 2
Motor City
  175 GM cornfield farms

  176 1817 Maps

  177 1869, 1932 Maps

  178 1875 Map

  179 1875 Map South

  180 Warren Village maps

  181, 182 Honored Historians

  183 1916 Map

  184 1916 Village Map

  185-189 Bunert School Museum

  190 1916 Warren Twp. South

  191 1949 maps Mound and USO

  192 Implements 1800s

  193 Old Things

  194 1949 Warren Village

  195 WTC Attacked thousands were murdered


  197 US Attacked

  198 Unemployment rate

  199 War on America

  200 Bank Bailout 2008 taxpayers cheated

  OUR AMERICAN HERITAGE   201 American Heritage 1p 6f

  Pre Human Eras  

  Prehistory Prehistory 4p 3F
  Wild Animals of the Past.pdf

  Years BC-1799

  The Warren Wilderness   Wilderness Beautiful actual pictures of Warren's wilderness 11 pages 22f You will be amazed at this actual wilderness still surviving and forgotten in our city.

  Neenay Saved Governor's Life 1p Woman Saved Governors Life Saved Governor 1p 1f

  Old pre America History

  Peaceful Christians Killed 1p 0f
  Indians Indians Indians the real story 10p 5f
  Eviction of the Indians Eviction of the Indians 2p

  210 Making Clothing 1p 4f
  Bunert Farm
  Leviathan Leviathan 1868 locomotive 1p 6f

  Country Store Country Store 2f
  Inside Old Store Old Store 5p 19f
  Old time Fiddlers Old Time Music Fiddlers home organ 2p 1f
  Home Inventions Home Inventions 7p 28f
 These were common items used daily now forgotten.

  Inventions Inventions of 1800s 8p 23f

  Way of Life Views3 Way of Life Views3 tassle horse, car Engleman house & stone, horse team, Lincoln Funeral Train, R Menge, Porch family 6p 11f
  Way of Life4 Way of Life 4 buggy barn, milk, Train depot, Harper trolly, Eastern Market, WCTU fountain, working in fields, barn, delivery wagon, race cart 7p 14f
missing Farmers Directory, First Me Church


  359 Local Locals Local Locals 2p 0f
  to be revised additional fotos early 1900s 4f
 These were common items used daily now forgotten.
  Local Locals Local Locals 2p 0f
  Moore Store Moore Store 2p 6F
  More South Warren Businesses S Businesses 2p 4f
  Even More Warren Fotos Even More Warren Fotos 7p 14f
Mi Metal Fab, Keystone MFG, Cities Ser, Bay City Line Engine, Split rail fence, time capsule, Groesbeck House, pouring milk, WARCO Brick, Weiers, steam engine, First Savings Bank, more 7p 14
  More Warren Fotos More Warren Fotos 10p 24f
plowing, steam train,Warren stations, horses, Lichts & home, barn house, 1900 down¬town Warren named stores,
1930s streets, street parade, Dr Flynn family at house, car at train station, Van Dyke, Threshing Party 1900, barn year,
oldest warren village stores, Mindas & cabin, pony boy 7p 24f
  Mound Views Mound Views Ann's Gallery, 2 State Savings Banks,
Federal Reserve Banks, Moore store & block 4p 6f
  Peck Store Peck Store 5p 11f
  Qualmann House Qualmann House inside & out, barn fire, marker dedication, barn yard 4pg 22f


  Courtesy Gas Station Courtesy Gas 3p 1f
  Oldest Hotels Oldest Hotels Oldest Warren Hotels, Warren Hotel, 2 views of brickyard 2p 5f


  Businesses2 farm house, Wm Leroy blacksmith shop, Dan Dee Shoe Service, Lazoen Feed, Van dyke Gibbs lumber block, Walker Brewing, 1p 6f

  Village Rug Village Rug Village Rug, below sheds, 1p 1f
  Views2 WarrenViews2 11p 16f
  Warren Area Banks Warren Area Banks 8p 1f
  Warren Co-Op Warren Co-Op Wilson Mill, Warren Co-Op 7p 7f
  Warren Downtown in Old Days Warren Downtown Warren Village 1900s many 5p 10f

  Warren Farms Warren Farms Warren Farms Farm Views, Rinkeland, Bunert, Opfer, Peck, Berger, Rivard, Grobbel, Hartsig, Behrns, Qualman, more 11p 25f

  Warren Service Garage Warren Service Garage 1f
  Warren Views3 Warren Views3 Wrn Views3 Jim's Florist, bathing suits, Halmich &other homes 5p 8f

  more views Views 2 10p 16f


  1837-1862 Saving the Log Cabin, Bunert School, St Clement Down, Tank Town, Shaw Report, Family TV, Indian Tools, Indian Mounds and Forts. 1837-1862 cabin mounds

  1863-84 Banking, Macomb Money 1863-84 Banking
1885-96_Dr_Felix_Osowski and Mansion 1885-96_Dr_Felix_Osowski

  Michigan State Fair 2p 8f

  Businesses continued Shuster's Garage 1p 2f
  Boblo Boats inside and out 3p 13f

  other media Other Media 2p 0f

  Scouting Scouting Scouting MC30 camp 2p 3f

  US Posr Office US Post Office 16p 16f many fotos

Some Center Line Busineses
  Van Dyke Businesses Van Dyke Businesses 6p 13f

Van Dyke Businesses, Homer's, Lazoen's, Groesbeck Flowers, Binson's, VD Blueprint, Swanson's, Gibbs Lumber, Grissom, Tri-city Progress, Bert Hazen Reality, Schoensee Market 6p13f Wolf Hardware, Ronie's, Drivein, Jerome Cities Service, VD Auto, Lazoen's, Brickley's Ice Cream, Center Line Lanes, Stilwell Printing, Browns Bros Dairy, Cotton Shop, Howard Johnson's, Gibson Mobile Home, CL Recreation Library, Robinson's, Dan Dee Shoe B & B Groceries 14p30f
  Van Dyke2 Van Dyke2 14p 30f

  Van Dyke Views 1950s Van Dyke Views 1950s block by church, Van's Drugs, White's laundry block Kayo block Wood Carver block 6p 10f

nbsp; Van Dyke Businesses 1960s Van Dyke Views 50, 60s Van Dyke Businesses 1960s, Drive in, McDonald's, Jack in box, Bel-air, Migas, demolition of St Clement, dial phone, Good Humor, Smith Store, parade, float, Twin Pines, S& N green stamps, horse meat 6p 30f

502 Veterans Park, Village hall, Os mansion winter, GM aerial, Bear Creek, Amber House, Firenze, MCC,11p 16f r See Markers   Warren Area Banks Warren Area Banks 8p 1f
513 Bank of Commerce & others



  2020+ Creating A Better Future


nbsp; Book Let's Create a Better Life For All
Let's Create a Better Life For All

  Saving our American Freedom and Way of Life
Saving Our Freedom
  Also included are some of Professor Wesley Arnold's Doctoral and other works all written to help save lives, save our freedom and help create a better life for all.
        Professor Wesley Arnold's other books all free

  Book The Easiest Language
      for Understanding between languages in 1/10 the time, to save lives 47p
  The Easiest Language Easy to Learn. To Save Lives  
    Because many lives are lost and suffering happens because of misunderstanding between languages.

  225 A Lifesaving Vocabulary A Vocabulary to save lives 1p 1f
Prof Wesley Arnold's other books all to save lives, Save our Freedom and help create better Life for All The Easiest Language for Understanding between languages in 1/10 the time, save lives 6000 entries   Book Easy to learn International Vocabulary The Easiest Language To Save Lives 65 pages with Printable Two Way Dictionary
  GREAT FOR LANGUAGE STUDENTS OF ANY LANGUAGE to shows the most needed words. Has adequate vocabulary for 90-98% understanding of most common human communication. 6000 entries

  Book Language Research 137p Language Research 137p
  With Two way Dictionary. Empirical research studies of multiple languages and investigation of learning difficulty based on languages. Studies in the use of the International Language. Word frequency usage studies to determine which words should language students learn first for quicker mastery of languages.

  Language Research to save lives and Prevent Misery
  Empirical research studies of multiple languages and investigation of learning difficulty based on languages.   Studies in the use of the International Language. Word frequency usage studies to determine which words should language students learn first for quicker mastery of languages. . Without Two way Dictionary. 87 pages
  Easy Fast Language Quick Learning Foldable Pocket Key   Language Quick Learning Key To Learn Languages Faster
CONCISE Has adequate vocabulary for 90-98% understanding of most common human communication. 1100 entries
  The above is 12 pages (six sheets) foldable for pocket. Has which words to learn first in any language learning.   These are in 300 word groups of most needed words. Has method to study what is needed to learn first. This can help students learn any language faster. Great aid for teachers. Based on Scientific research in Language Learning and Memorization. GREAT FOR LANGUAGE STUDENTS OF ANY LANGUAGE to shows the most needed words. EASILY PRINTABLE

  To help save lives Vest Pocket Easy Fast Language Learning Key
Cell Phone Key or Vest Pocket Key   Has the 1100 most important words to learn first for language understanding in groups of 300 Most Most needed words, than the next 300 Most needed words etc. This can give students 70-90 percent understanding of the most common human conversations, without years of study. GREAT FOR LANGUAGE STUDENTS OF ANY LANGUAGE shows the most needed words. Has adequate vocabulary for 90-98% understanding of most common human communication.
Can be put on cell phone for quick reference or printed for a small shirt pocket. 36 one sided small pages. Print to the size you want.

  English to International Vocabulary Cell Phone Dictionary 200p Free_English_to International_Vocabulary_Dictionary Electronic version for use on cell phones, tablets, computers etc. Very handy no bulk. Quick look up. GREAT FOR LANGUAGE STUDENTS OF ANY LANGUAGE to shows the most needed words. Has adequate vocabulary for 90-98% understanding of most common human communication. 6000 entries

  Book International Vocab to English Cell Phone Dictionary 173p Free_International_Vocab to English_Dictionary Electronic version for use on cell phones, tablets, computers etc. Very handy no bulk. Quick look up. GREAT FOR LANGUAGE STUDENTS OF ANY LANGUAGE to shows the most needed words.
Has adequate vocabulary for 90-98% understanding of most common human communication. 6000 entries

  Book Modern Languages compared Documenting Language Learning Difficulty

  Free Printable English to Eo International Vocabulary Dictionary Free Printable English To International VocabDictionary.pdf Now language students can print their own dictionary of most common words for use in learning any language or International Vocabulary
GREAT FOR LANGUAGE STUDENTS OF ANY LANGUAGE to shows the most needed words.
Has adequate vocabulary for 90-98% understanding of most common human communication. 6000 entries in dictionary. This prints on 32 letter size sheets of paper when folded in half yields 64 page dictionary.

  Free Printable Eo International Vocabulary to English Dictionary Esperanto International Vocabulary to English Dictionary Print your own Dictionary for all language students.
Has adequate vocabulary for 90-98% understanding of most common human communication. about 6000 entries. GREAT FOR LANGUAGE STUDENTS OF ANY LANGUAGE to shows the most needed words. Prints on 32 sheets of letter size paper so when folded in half has 64 pages.

  Quick Learning Key

  Grandpa's Bits of Wisdom Bits of Wisdom
  246 247 Jefferson's Wise Sayings

  Workable Solutions To Problems Of Our Time 112p

Book Amplenomics Ample For All Can Be Created Ample For All Can Be Created Let's Create a Better Life For All Workable Solutions To The Problems Of Our Time 112p

International Vocabulary Language Research on langs 137p Language Research on Esperanto

Vest Pocket Easy Quick Language Learning Key Dictionary To Learn All Languages Faster 1100 entries

Free Printable English to Eo International Vocabulary Dictionary 6000 entries 64p Now language students can print their own dictionary of most common words

Free Printable Eo International Vocabulary to English Dictionary 64p

Saving Our American Freedom.
  Saving our American Freedom and Way of Life
Saving Our Freedom


  Sources & Bibliography 3 p _Sources Bibliography

  Businesses Working on update and expansion of all of these. Professor Wesley Arnold historian

  Longest lasting businesses Lasting 3p 6f
  Oldest Stores Oldest Stores 8p 28f
  Page 4,601 4601_Businesses Working on update

  Page 4,700 4700_Businesses by street 80 pages long at this point with more old businesses being added as discovered. I just drove Van Dyke with recorder and dictated in new businesses. Also did 10 Mile. So these two are up to date. This also shows many old businesses from 1818 to present.

HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BA A HISTORIAN LISTED IN BOOKS GOING TO LOCAL LIBRARIES AND LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. I am old and need help. Can you can drive a mile and dictate into a recorder (I have one to loan) or you can drive me. Either way if you do that and type in the new names I will list you as the historian who did the work.

  Survey of Businesses
  Businesses on 8 Mile 3p
  Businesses on 9 Mile 6p
  Businesses on 10 Mile Update being worked on 4p
  Businesses on 11 Mile 1p
  Businesses on 12 Mile 2p
  Businesses on 13 Mile 1p
  Businesses on 14 Mile 1p
  Businesses on Chicago Road 2p I need help
  Businesses on Dequindre 2p
  Businesses on Hoover 3p
  Businesses on Mound 4p
  Businesses on Ryan 4p
  Businesses on Sherwood 4p
  Businesses on Schoenherr 2p
  Businesses on Van Dyke 27p 0f
Big update being worked on
  Businesses in the 40s
  4811 Historic 1944 B
  4821 Historic 1944 C
  4831 Historic 1944 D
  4841 Historical 1944 E
  4851 Historical 1944 F
  4861 Historical 1944 G
  4871 Historical 1944 H
  4881 Historical 1944 IJ
    4891 Historical 1944 K
p4900-59 Businesses in the 40s
  4901 Historical 1944 L
  4911 Historical 1944 M
  4921 Historical 1944 N
  4931 Historical 1944 O
  4941 Historical 1944 P
  4951 Historical 1944 Q

The following are being compiled
Businesses in 50s 60s Need students who want to do community service to type these up at library from yearbooks
Businesses in 70s 80s They will get credit as the historian for that work.
Businesses in the 90s You don't even have to type, just dictate from the year books.
Businesses in the 2000s

  About Cemeteries in Warren Township

  Epitaphs Epitaphs 10p 3f
Interesting reading much from our local cemeteries.
  Oldest Cemetery (Bunert) Oldest Cemetery 4p 1f

  Warren's Unknown Soldiers Unknown Soldiers 4p 1f
  Unmarked Graves Unmarked Graves 5p 1f

2060-86 Children, plants, Cemetery docs, harmful rules, Bunert Indian Cemetery Death Records c.

Pioneer Cemeteries of Warren Township, History, Civil War Veterans Pioneer Cemeteries 91p 18f

  St Clement Cemetery

  St Clement Monument Newest Monument 2p 4f
  St Clement Cemetery History

  St Clement Cemetery Combined Index of all Known Burials with locations Combined Index.
Combined from several sources (Best Index around) hopefully updated to within six months of current date. If I don't get the time I will at least try to keep pages 2921-30 Recent burials and book 101 Burials by Year at page 10,101 updated. Of course the Church has the most recent information. The Church website is

Quick Stone Locator with map and locations of all engraved stones.
  Quick Stone Locator

  2330_Oldest records SCC But local families may have more

  Study of Old Center Line Families in St Clement Cemetery Work in Progress

  13601 StClement Stories.pdf About families in St Clement Area

  2300-29 Book 23 St Clement Records by Year
Records by Year Handy for by year lookups

  Burials by Year (in progress) Burials by Year

  St Clement Cemetery Civil War Vets 5 pages
I need tyo update this, but I need help 9300-30 St Clement Records by Year 30p
9331 Center Line 1800 Families 70p
p9400 Older St Clement stones See appendix at end of book

p9500 Pictures of all St Clement Stones Cemetery in A-Z order with locations , died young, views, fall color See Appendix at end of book
Book   All Known Burials by Year Needs to be typed but I need help
  Children at StClement needs to be typed but I need help

Actual St Clement Records See Appendix at end of book
Actual Death Records See Appendix at end of book

  Warren Union Cemetery

  Fall Color at Warren Union Cemetery   Fall Color smaller file 10p 13f
  Fall Color at WUC old version
  p3000 Vol 30 Warren Union Cemetery Index 65pages Index 65p

p3300 Book 33 Warren Union Cemetery IN COLOR introduction.93p   3075 Soldiers at Warren Union Cemetery 8p 1f Soldiers Soldiers at Warren Union

Warren Union Cemetery See pictures of all visible stones 815f in appendix at end of this listing.


  1401 Warren CENSUS 1830-1870

  p1500 Vol 15 1501_1588 CENSUS 1870-1890

  1600 Vol 16 1601_1900-1920 Census

  Center Line

  Center Line History 99 boring pages better to look at the Concise History booklet.

  Concise History of the Center Line-Warren Michigan Area

  Concise History of Warren 2018 Showing over 1000 pictures in one place.

    Center Line Area Pictures 327f
5103_06 Center Line
  5107_10 Center Line 5107_10 Center Line
  5111_14 Center Line 5111_14 Center Line
  5115_18 Center Line 5115_18 Center Line
  5119_22 Center Line 5119_22 Center Line
  5123_26 Center Line 5123_26 Center Line
  5127_30 Center Line 5127_30 Center Line
  5135_38 Center Line 5135_38 Center Line
  5139_42 Center Line 5139_42 Center Line
  5143_46 Center Line 5143_46 Center Line
  5131_34 Center Line 5131_34 Center Line
  5147_50 Center Line 5147_50 Center Line
  5151_54 Center Line 5151_54 Center Line
  5155_58 Center Line 5155_58 Center Line
  5159_62 Center Line 5159_62 Center Line
  5163_66 Center Line 5163_66 Center Line
  5167_70 Center Line 5167_70 Center Line
  5171_74 Center Line 5171_74 Center Line
  5175_78 Center Line 5175_78 Center Line
  5179_82 Center Line 5179_82 Center Line
  Death Records, Stats .
Death records with cause, Who is buried in Warren Union Cemetery, See appendix at end
Causes of death, diseases, population, St Clement stats, infant-
mother mortality stats, children, # of, graves, grave size and width, stacking,
percentage of child deaths registered, number of child burials, plants
  Farmer Diaries

  Old Diaries of Michigan Farmer These are interesting happenings, Births, Deaths, Marriages from 1868-1902

  3400 Vol 34 3401_Diary Am Farmer Intro

  p3431 Diary 1800s Excerpts Summary READ THIS FIRST and Questions GOOD FOR SCHOOL CLASSES 3431 Diary Excerpts

  p3500 Vol 35 DIARY 1872, 73, 74, 75 1872-75

  p3601 Vol 36 DIARY 1876, 1877 3600_Diary 1876_1877

  p3700 Vol 37 DIARY 1878, 1879 3700 Diaries 1878 1879

  p3800-VOL 38 DIARY 1880, 1881 3800 Diary1880_1881

  p3900 Vol 39 DIARY 1882-1885 3901 Daniel Stewart Diary

  P4000 Vol 40 DIARY 1885-1890 4000_DIARY_1885-1890

  p4100 Vol 41 DIARY 1890-1896 4101_DIARY_1890_1896

  p4200 Vol 42 DIARY 1897-1902 end 4201_DIARY_1897_1902

  Other Documents

  1900 Vol 19 Historical Docs Warren Honor Roll WWII, Our Soldiers, Death records with cause, Who is buried in Warren Union Cemetery, census comparisons 1901 Death Records A. Historical Docs Warren Honor Roll WWII, Our Soldiers,
  2001-60 Vol 20 Death Records B 2001-60 Death Records B Mortality schedules, Population of Warren Township, St Clement stats, child burials compared to adult burials, Common causes of death in 1800s, burial layout at Warren Union Cemetery. Other possible unknowns buried at Warren Union Cemetery. Children buried at Warren Union Cemetery, Maps of Warren Union Cemetery, Deeds. number of graves, grave size and width, stacking, percentage of child deaths actually registered, number of child burials, plants

per request Presidential Executive Orders Possible Unconstitutional Executive Orders
  6th Grade Exam So you think schools are better today. Try this exam.
Library plan for Warren also here. Macomb County Historical Markers


  Rulers And Public Officials Rulers long 15 p

  Warren Village-City Halls Warren Village-City Halls 10p 18f
  Other Warrens 2p Other Warrens Other towns with same name. 2p


  Churches 1 Our Oldest Churches 7pages 11f
  245 First Methodist Church First Methodist Church 1f
  248 Older Churches of S Warren Older Churches of S Warren 2 p 8f
Trinity Lutheran, Mt Calvary, Fellowship General Baptist, Word of Faith, First Church of Jesus Christ, Trinity Missionary, Ascension, St George   250 Churches in Middle Warren Middle Churches 4p 13f
Center Line Presbyterian, CL Community Church, Celtic Cross, Warren Baptist Ch of Wildwood, Van Dyke Baptist, C Line Baptist, Redeemer Baptist, Warren Community Ch, Warren Woods Baptist, Emmanuel Missionary Baptist, Unity, Salvation Army, 12 Ryan Baptist First Presbyterian, Bethel Christian, Faith Baptist, St Louise, St Edmonds,   255 Churches in North Warren N Churches 2p 9f
255 Churches in N Warren 2p 9f 1st Baptist, Grace Bible, Peace Lutheran, Saventh Day Adventist, Warren Woods Ch of nazarene, St Martin, Ch of Christ, Holy Cross, Hope Lutheran, Amazing Grace, St Peters, Antioch, Ch of Master,Descent of Holy Ghost, St Sharbel   257 Newer Churches in S Warren Newer South Churches 3f
257 Newer Churches in S Warren 3f 1750 Clement,Van Dyke View, 1859   259 St Clement St Clement 10 pages 13f
  267 St Paul Church St Paul Church 4 pages 9f
  271 St Anne Church St Anne 3 pages 6f
  274 St Mark St Mark 4 pages 4f
230 For Additional Church Histories 7p   383 Mysterious Building Mysterious Building 2p 2f


  Scouting Scouting 2p 3f
  See what really is in Scouting Scouting is a great and needed program today. It helps young people of both genders to learn Leadership, survival skills, Responsibility, Good Morals and much more.

    WHAT TO LOOK AT FIRST? This is colorful, interesting, amusing and informative.
American Contemporary Opinions posted on Facebook
  Everyone is entitled to an opinion. We still have freedom of thought of speech and of the press in this country.   A truly Unique Current Up To Date Historical Perspective.

  Education and Scholarships

  1st Warren High School student
  Plunkett School We need family data

  Busch High School every graduate from all years BUSCH HIGH SCHOOL
  Center Line High School every senior 55-71 CLHS 55-71

  Center Line High School every senior 72-80 CLHS 72-80

  Center Line High School every senior 1981-2007 CLHS 1981-2007

  Center Line High School every senior 2008-2018 CLHS 2008-2018

  St Clement High School every senior All Seniors All Years


  Murthim HS Seniors
  which starts at page 12,601 is Warren H S Seniors
  Mott HS Seniors
  Cousino HS Seniors
  Lincolin HS Seniors
  Fitzgerald HS Seniors
  Warren Woods HS Seniors
  Warren Woods Tower HS Seniors
  GED Grads
  Private School HS Seniors
  Home Schooled HS Seniors

  Needed Education
  Scholarships over 5,000 about scholarships

  Engines, Steam
  Engine 1225
  Train Dining See pages 24, 25

  Farms And Farming

 295 Farm views Farm Views 5p 10f
    Book 112 Our Local Farms 11201 Farms 1800-1960

  281 Crops Crops 4 pages 15f
  405 Peck Store Peck Store 5p 11f
  410 Qualmann House Qualmann House 4pg 22f
  433 Tools Tools 6p 10f
  439 Farm Implements farm implements 2p
  429 Theison House Theison House 4p 8f
433 Tools, churn, flail, saw, sickle, hook, pick header, wheel, crock, stove iron, plows, pot insulator,, loader, horse drawn, tractor +6p 10f 439 plows, windmill, thresher, harrow, tedder, loader, rake, tedder, cultivater, mower, grain drill, corn sheller, well 2p   513 Warren Area Banks Warren Area Banks 8p 1f
  521 Warren Co-Op Warren Co-Op 7p 7f
  528 Warren Downtown in Old Days Warren Downtown 5p 10f
  534 Warren Farms Warren Farms Warren Farms 8p 25f
  561 Warren Service Garage Warren Service Garage 1f
  562 Warren Views3 Warren Views3 5p 8f
more views Views 2 10p 16f
  450 USGS Warren USGS Warren 1f
  Fire Fighting

1701_1723 CLFD hist 1
  1725-1754 1725_1754 CLFD 2 plus
  545 Warren Fire Chiefs Warren Fire Chiefs 2p 15f
  547 Warren Fire Dept History Warren Fire Dept History 14 p 16f
545 Warren Fire Chiefs 2p 15f   Homes


  1755-1776 Misc. docs 6grExam Library plan. 1755-1776 Misc. docs
  Macomb County

People who are in the know about the history of our Macomb Communities Here is a place for you to present your History and Information. You may do so without my editing and you will be listed as the author. Feel free to contact me at
  p5701 Vol 57 5701-34 Macomb pictures
Macomb County History Starts on page 5722.

  p5735 5735_Macomb Co Vets Memorial

  p5800 Vol 58 Histories of Macomb County Communities
  p5901 Vol 59
Macomb Hist Pics

  p5923-40 War of 1812 related

  p5941 5941 French-British
p5700 Book 57 Macomb County Pictures Old historic fotos, Cave's Biplane, first jails, poor house, schools, log cabins, Williams 1850 cabin Clinton Township Hall, Moravian Hall, inside cabins, washing box, kitchens, more 27f History of Macomb County on p 22 Macomb County 118f Directory 1859 1934 Warren High School, Battleship Arizona , Busch Library, Charwood
Veterans Memorial other fotos, Macomb Historic Fotos Red School House, Tuba, Canon, Donley Log Cabin, Historical memorials French, British, County plus more


  page 1205 Map 1875 center of Warren Township 1203 maps Contents
see contents on 1201 has many more than are listed here also there are often several views of same map year 1869, 1817, 1875, 1916   page 1206 Map 1875 South of Warren Township map 1875_S_Wrn
  page 1207 Map 1875 North Warren Township map 1875_Twp._N
  page 1208 Map 1916 Warren Township MAP 1916 Warren Twp.
  page 1209 Map 1916 community of Van Dyke Map 1916 Van dyke 1
  page 1210 Map 1916 Warren Village area Map Warren Village 1916
  page 1211 Map 1869 Warren Township map 1869 Warren Twp.
  page 1212 Warren Township Historic sites map HISTORIC SITES
  page 1213 Warren Historic sites list, locations MAP Historic Sites List
  page 1214 Map Warren village lots 1875, 1916 MAP Warren Village Lots
  page 1215 Aerial Old St Clement Aerial Old St Clement 1f
  page 1216 Aerial New St Clement Aerial New St Clement 1f
  page 1217 Aerial View of Red Run Farms Aerial View of Red Run Farms 1f
  page 1218 Aerial View Warren Village 1949 Aerial of Warren Village 1p 1f
  page 1219 Aerial of Warren Village 1949 Aerial View Warren Village 1p 1f
  page 1220 Aerial 11 Mile and Mound 1940 Aerial 11 Mile and Mound 1940 1f
  page 1221 Aerial 13 and Mound Aerial 13 and Mound 1f
  page 1222 Aerial Bear Creek Aerial Bear Creek 9p 9f
  page 1231 Aerial Big Warren Farm Aerial Big Warren Farm 1f
  page 1232 Aerial Warren Woods Middle school f Aerial Warren Woods Middle school
  page 1233 Aerial GM 1953 Aerial GM 1953
  page 1235 1817 Warren Maps Warren Township Maps 1817
  page 1237 Wampler's Notes J Wampler Notes 324_343 38f 38p
  page 1257 Wampler's Notes J Wampler Notes 344-360
  1280 Eckstein Map
Warren Union Cemetery, St Clement Cemetery and many other maps Many maps have been added not listed.   450 USGS Warren USGS Warren 1f
  Historical Markers

list of, text on markers, Greater Good, 1941-1945 memorial, Korean Service, Vietnam Service, Warren war on Terror p4500 Book 45 Historical memorials Warren Honor Roll, Dorothy Rowell,
Veterans Park Bricks, Memorials Medal of Honor Bricks, Vignettes

  Historical Markers   Historical Markers
  p4421-25 4421 Historical Marker Pictures A-C.pdf
  p4426-30 4426 Historical Marker Pictures D-H
  p4431-34 4431 Historical Marker and sites I-P
  p4435-40 4435 Historical Marker and sites Q-T
  p4441- 4441 Historical Marker and sites U-Z
  p4500-10 4500 - 4510 Memorials
  p4511-20 4511 - 4520 Memorials
  p4521-30 4521 - 4530 Memorials
  p4531-40 4531 - 4540 Memorials
  p4541-50 4541 - 4550 Memorials
  p4551-60 4551 - 4560 Memorials

  p4561-70 4561 - 4570 Memorials

  4811 Historic 1944 B
  4821 Historic 1944 C
  4831 Historic 1944 D
  4841 Historical 1944 E
  4851 Historical 1944 F
  4861 Historical 1944 G
  4871 Historical 1944 H
  4881 Historical 1944 IJ
    4891 Historical 1944 K
p4900-59 Vol 49 Businesses in the 40s
  4901 Historical 1944 L
  4911 Historical 1944 M
  4921 Historical 1944 N
  4931 Historical 1944 O
  4941 Historical 1944 P
  4951 Historical 1944 Q


1353 Old Time Music Links   Old Time Music

  Newspaper Articles
This is being improved
Our Newspapers old papers and significant Headlines America Attacked again President Shot, Loot and Burn
Our Newspapers old papers and significant Headlines America Attacked again President Shot, Loot and Burn etc.
Our Newspapers 2p 3f examples of many old papers and significant Headlines 24f
Our Newspapers
  4317 4317 Warren Watchman
  4325 Detroit Free Press
  4327 Warren News Warren News
  4328 Weekly Review Weekly Review
  4334 Editorials Editorials
  4335 Historic Articles Historic Articles
  4336 Macomb Observer Macomb Observer
  4337 Det News 8 1 43 Det News 8 1 43
  4372 Car in Creek Car in Creek
  4373 Tech Center News Tech Center News
  4375 Foreclosures Burglaries Foreclosures Burglaries
  4376 Bieda, also Earmarks Bieda, also Earmarks
  4377 GM, Patriot, Lincoln N GM, Patriot, Lincoln Neighborhood Assn
  4378 The Remark The Remark
  4379 Tri-City Progress Tri-City Progress
  4381 Midway Midway
  392 other media Other Media 2p 0f

  Phone Books

  pages 1300 1300 Vol 13 Old 1977 Phone book Old 1977 Phone book
p5000 Book 50 Center Line phone book 1950 5000-24-77     Book 103 more old phone books
                1948 Phone Book Center Line, Warren 1948 Cover & First Page

   Inside cover & instructions

   calling areas, Names starting with A Center Line Exchange

   calling areas, Names starting with B Center Line Exchange

    Names starting with B-C Center Line Exchange

    Names starting with C Center Line Exchange

    Names starting with D-E Center Line Exchange

    Names starting with F-G Center Line Exchange

    Names starting with G-H Center Line Exchange

    Names starting with H Center Line Exchange

    Names starting with H-K Center Line Exchange

    Names starting with K-L Center Line Exchange

    Names starting with L-M Center Line Exchange

    Names starting with M Center Line Exchange

    Names starting with MNO Center Line Exchange

    Names starting with OP Center Line Exchange

    Names starting with PQR Center Line Exchange

    Names starting with RS Center Line Exchange

    Names starting with S Center Line Exchange

    Names starting with STUV Center Line Exchange

    Names starting with VW Center Line Exchange

    Names starting with W-Z Center Line Exchange

    Names starting with A-B Warren Exchange

    Names starting with B-C Warren Exchange

    Names starting with DEF Warren Exchange

    Names starting with GHI Warren Exchange

    Names starting with KLM Warren Exchange

    Names starting with MNOP Warren Exchange

    Names starting with PRS Warren Exchange

    Names starting with STU Warren Exchange

    Names starting with W-Z Warren Exchange


  p5000 Vol 50 Center Line fonebook 1950
      5000-24, 25-45, 46-66, 67-77
  5000-24 Center Line 1950 fone book
  5025-45 Center Line 1950 fonebook
  5046-66 Center Line fonebook
  5067-77 Center Line fonebook


  Religions of Our Area

OK The fastest way to get condemmed is to write about religion because it almost always offends everybody. But this is just a list of local religions and a few of their beliefs from academic sources. The purpose is to clarafy misunderstandings only.   Reminisces And Stories

    Book 109 starting on page 10,901 10,900 Reminisces of Old Timers regarding Businesses


    Book 110 starting on page 11,001 11,000 Reminisces of Old Timers regarding Happings

    Book 111 starting on page 11,101 11,101 Reminisces of Old Timers regarding Old Days

Book 135 More Reminisces Book 138 Histories and local stories by other local historians   Schools And Graduates

Here is the first beginning listing of accomplishments which more has to be added to as I contact them.

    Accomplishments of CLHS classes

  Who the Streets Were Named After

  1800 Vol 18 1800_Who Streets Named After 1800_Who Streets Named After

Important things to know and short history   Wars That Our Peole Died In

  603 Wars Wars 13p 8f
  621 Heroes-1939 Heroes-1939 7p 1f
  631 Heroes 1940-1950 Heroes 1940-1950 3p 0f
  641 Heroes 1950-1954 Heroes 1950-1954 45p
  693 Heroes 1955-1975 Heroes 1955-1975 4p 0f
  Book Heroes Vignettes Entire section pages 731-836 with pictures 1020-1072 Our Veterans 52 pg   598 Woman Saved Governors Life Saved Governor 1p 1f
  701 Heroes Iraq Heroes Iraq 17p 117f

  720 Heroes Afghanistan Heroes Afghanistan with pictures 10p 59f Updated 2/21/2015
  740 Vignettes Heroes Vignettes of Heroes 100 p 200f

  743 Vignettes of Vietnam Heroes full pages full pages runs over into the 800s
  Book 8 Vietnam continued Vietnam Casualties 181p
  Vietnam Era Heroes Entire book pages 837-1018
Our Veterans 52p
  Book 11 Soldiers of Warren Center Line Area
  Current Wars 1161 Current Wars and Threats

        Lists of attacks 500-600 pages depending on margins used
          Attacks on us In USA

          Attacks around the world Sep 11 2001-2005
          Attacks_2006-2009 around the world
          Attacks2010-2013 around the world
          Attacks2014 Attacks in 2014 around the world     For a 2015 list of attacks see

          Much more information on these terrorists see

  Weather Extremes Weather Extremes 9 p 0f

  Appendix The following were so big it is better to put them at the end.

The following were so big it is better to put them at the end.
St Clement Stones and Records
Death Records
Warren Union Cemetery Stones by grave
Who's Who and Old Families by individual

  St Clement Stones by grave

  2401 Older Stones of St Clement Cemetery
  2403-6 Older Stones St Clement Cemetery Starting with Ada
  2407-10 Older Stones St Clement Cemetery
  2411-14 Older Stones of St Clement Cemetery
  2415-18 Older Stones of St Clement Cemetery
  2423-26 Older Stones of St Clement Cemetery
  2427-30 Older Stones of St Clement Cemetery
  2431-34 Older Stones of St Clement Cemetery
  2435-38 Older Stones of St Clement Cemetery
  2439-42 Older Stones of St Clement Cemetery
  2443-46 Older Stones of St Clement Cemetery
  2451-54 Older Stones of St Clement Cemetery
  2455-58 Older Stones of St Clement Cemetery
  2459-62 Older Stones of St Clement Cemetery
  2463-66 Older Stones of St Clement Cemetery
  2467-70 Older Stones of St Clement Cemetery
  2471-74 Older Stones of St Clement Cemetery
  2475-78 Older Stones of St Clement Cemetery
  2479-82 Older Stones of St Clement Cemetery
  2483-86 Older Stones of St Clement Cemetery
  2487-90 Older Stones of St Clement Cemetery

  2400-05 Civil War Vets St Clement
  Book 102 Children Buried At St Clement

Many soldiers suffered and died to maintain our freedom. Freedom is not free. It has to be maintained daily. There are many working on taking away your freedom now. Here are over 200 of our heroes.
  Soldiers Gravestones St Clement Cemetery Starting with All
  Soldiers Gravestones St Clement Cemetery Starting with Dil
  Soldiers Gravestones St Clement Cemetery Starting with Hau
  Soldiers Gravestones St Clement Cemetery Starting with Mal
  Soldiers Gravestones St Clement Cemetery Starting with Pha
  Soldiers Gravestones St Clement Cemetery Starting with Ver - Z

 North South Rows listings by Row St Clement Cemetery Listings by Row

        Below are STONES at St Clement by NAME WITH LOCATION

BOOKS Volumes 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 listings below are by last name listing by alphabet

        ALL STONES list of almost 4000 burials

      If my health holds I plan to replace pictures that are less than perfect with a better ones. But as in all of my work I publish what I have while I am still alive as no one else cares enough to carry on this historical preservation work and I am old and in poor health.

        Pictures of All Stones at St Clement Cemetery

       page 2501 Pictures of stones by Family Names starting with A

       page 2502 pictures of stones family names starting with adams

       page 2503 pictures of stones family names starting with adb-al

       page 2504 pictures of stones family names starting with al

       page 2505 pictures of stones family names starting with alt

       page 2506 pictures of stones family names starting with am an

       page 2507 pictures of stones family names starting with an

       page 2508 pictures of stones family names starting with an-ars

       page 2509 pictures of stones family names starting with ar-au

       page 2510 pictures of stones family names starting with ba-bah

       page 2511 pictures of stones family names starting with bak-bal

       page 2512 pictures of stones family names starting with ba-bar

       page 2513 pictures of stones family names starting with bar-bat

       page 2514 pictures of stones family names starting with bat-bea

       page 2515 pictures of stones family names starting with bec-bel

       page 2516 pictures of stones family names starting with bel-ben

       page 2517 pictures of stones family names starting with ben-ber

       page 2518 pictures of stones family names starting with Berger

       page 2519 pictures of stones family names starting with ber-bes

       page 2520 pictures of stones family names starting with bes-bey

       page 2521 pictures of stones family names starting with bic-bie

       page 2522 pictures of stones family names starting with biel-bier

       page 2523 pictures of stones family names starting with bien-biel

       page 2524 pictures of stones family names starting with bil-bir

       page 2525 pictures of stones family names starting with bir-bla

       page 2526 pictures of stones family names starting with bla-blo

       page 2527 pictures of stones family names starting with blo-boe

       page 2528 pictures of stones family names starting with boe-boi

       page 2529 pictures of stones family names starting with bon-boo

       page 2530 pictures of stones family names starting with bor-bors

       page 2531 pictures of stones family names starting with bor-bou

       page 2532 pictures of stones family names starting with bou boy

       page 2533 pictures of stones family names starting with bra-bra

       page 2534 pictures of stones family names starting with bri

       page 2535 pictures of stones family names starting with bri

       page 2536 pictures of stones family names starting with bri bro

       page 2537 pictures of stones family names starting with bro-brow

       page 2538 pictures of stones family names starting with bro-broz

       page 2539 pictures of stones family names starting with broz-bru

       page 2540 pictures of stones family names starting with bru bub

       page 2541 pictures of stones family names starting with buck bud

       page 2542 pictures of stones family names starting with bud-bue

       page 2543 pictures of stones family names starting with buf bue

       page 2544 pictures of stones family names starting with bur

       page 2545 pictures of stones family names starting with bur bus

       page 2546 pictures of stones family names starting with dal-car

       page 2547 pictures of stones family names starting with car

       page 2548 pictures of stones family names starting with car-cen

       page 2549 pictures of stones family names starting with cen cha

       page 2550 pictures of stones family names starting with cha

       page 2551 pictures of stones family names starting with che

       page 2552 pictures of stones family names starting with chi-chm

       page 2553 pictures of stones family names starting with cho-chu

       page 2554 pictures of stones family names starting with cia-cie

       page 2555 pictures of stones family names starting with cil-cla

       page 2556 pictures of stones family names starting with cli-col

       page 2557 pictures of stones family names starting with com-con

       page 2558 pictures of stones family names starting with con-cos

       page 2559 pictures of stones family names starting with cow-cra

       page 2560 pictures of stones family names starting with cra-cur

       page 2561 pictures of stones family names starting with cur-cze

       page 2562 pictures of stones family names starting with czu-D

       page 2563 pictures of stones family names starting with dan

       page 2564 pictures of stones family names starting with dar-dec

       page 2565 pictures of stones family names starting with dec-ded

       page 2566 pictures of stones family names starting with def-deg

       page 2567 pictures of stones family names starting with deg-del

       page 2568 pictures of stones family names starting with del-den

       page 2569 pictures of stones family names starting with den-dep

       page 2570 pictures of stones family names starting with des-det

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       page 2577 pictures of stones family names starting with don

       page 2578 pictures of stones family names starting with don-dra

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       page 2580 pictures of stones family names starting with dud-dum

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       page 2582 pictures of stones family names starting with Dunn

       page 2583 pictures of stones family names starting with dop-dwy

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       page 2586 pictures of stones family names starting with ed-eli

       page 2587 pictures of stones family names starting with ell-eng

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       page 2589 pictures of stones family names starting with eng-eva

       page 2590 pictures of stones family names starting with eva-far

       page 2591 pictures of stones family names starting with fau-fay

       page 2592 pictures of stones family names starting with fel-fer

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       page 2594 pictures of stones family names starting with fis-fix

       page 2595 pictures of stones family names starting with fla

       page 2596 pictures of stones family names starting with fle-fli

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       page 2601 pictures of stones family names starting with fre-fri

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       page 2603 pictures of stones family names starting with fud-gab

       page 2604 pictures of stones family names starting with gao-gam

       page 2605 pictures of stones family names starting with gap-gar

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       page 2608 pictures of stones family names starting with gei-gem

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       page 2612 pictures of stones family names starting with gil-gip

       page 2613 pictures of stones family names starting with gir-glo

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       page 2615 pictures of stones family names starting with goe-gon

       page 2616 pictures of stones family names starting with gor

       page 2617 pictures of stones family names starting with gou-gra

       page 2618 pictures of stones family names starting with gra

       page 2619 pictures of stones family names starting with gra-gre

       page 2620 pictures of stones family names starting with gre-gri

       page 2621 pictures of stones family names starting with Grobbel

       page 2622 pictures of stones family names starting with Grobbel

       page 2623 pictures of stones family names starting with Groesbeck

       page 2624 pictures of stones family names starting with Groesbeck

       page 2625 pictures of stones family names starting with Groesbeck

       page 2626 pictures of stones family names starting with gro

       page 2627 pictures of stones family names starting with gro-grz

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       page 2630 pictures of stones family names starting with had-hag

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       page 2632 pictures of stones family names starting with hag-hal

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       page 2634 pictures of stones family names starting with Halmich

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       page 2636 pictures of stones family names starting with hal-han

       page 2637 pictures of stones family names starting with hap-har

       page 2638 pictures of stones family names starting with hau

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       page 2644 pictures of stones family names starting with Hessell

       page 2645 pictures of stones family names starting with hes-hip

       page 2646 pictures of stones family names starting with hix-hog

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       page 2655 pictures of stones family names starting with jap-jef

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       page 2659 pictures of stones family names starting with jes-jor

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       page 2662 pictures of stones family names starting with jui-kal

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       page 2664 pictures of stones family names starting with Kaltz

       page 2665 pictures of stones family names starting with Kaltz

       page 2666 pictures of stones family names starting with Kaltz

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       page 2677 pictures of stones family names starting with kli-kne

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       page 2679 pictures of stones family names starting with kol-kop

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       page 2693 pictures of stones family names starting with kwi-kz

       page 2694 pictures of stones family names starting with la-

       page 2695 pictures of stones family names starting with Ladaroot

       page 2696 pictures of stones family names starting with Laderoot

       page 2697 pictures of stones family names starting with lad-lag

       page 2698 pictures of stones family names starting with lag-lam

       page 2699 pictures of stones family names starting with Lan-lan

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       page 2701 pictures of stones family names starting with Lan-lar

       page 2702 pictures of stones family names starting with lar-lat

       page 2703 pictures of stones family names starting with Lat-Laz

       page 2704 pictures of stones family names starting with Laz-Leb

       page 2705 pictures of stones family names starting with Leb-Lee

       page 2706 pictures of stones family names starting with Lefevre

       page 2707 pictures of stones family names starting with Lef-Len

       page 2708 pictures of stones family names starting with Leo-Les

       page 2709 pictures of stones family names starting with Les-Lew

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       page 2711 pictures of stones family names starting with Lin-lis

       page 2712 pictures of stones family names starting with Lit-Lom

       page 2713 pictures of stones family names starting with Lom-Low

       page 2714 pictures of stones family names starting with Lub-Ly

       page 2715 pictures of stones family names starting with Mac

       page 2716 pictures of stones family names starting with Mac-Mag

       page 2717 pictures of stones family names starting with Mag-Mal

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       page 2721 pictures of stones family names starting with Mar

       page 2722 pictures of stones family names starting with Martin

       page 2723 pictures of stones family names starting with Mar

       page 2724 pictures of stones family names starting with Mar-Mas

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       page 2744 pictures of stones family names starting with Mod-Mor

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       page 2808 pictures of stones family names starting with Rup-Rut

       page 2809 pictures of stones family names starting with Ryan

       page 2810 pictures of stones family names starting with More Ryan to be worked on

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       page 2812 pictures of stones family names starting with Sab-San

       page 2813 pictures of stones family names starting with San-Sav

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       page 2820 pictures of stones family names starting with Sch-

       page 2821 pictures of stones family names starting with Sch-

       page 2822 pictures of stones family names starting with Sch-

       page 2823 pictures of stones family names starting with Sch

       page 2824 pictures of stones family names starting with Schulte

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       page 2848 pictures of stones family names starting with Ste-

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       page 2870 pictures of stones family names starting with Val-Van

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       page 2872 pictures of stones family names starting with Van-

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       page 2874 pictures of stones family names starting with Verhoeven

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       page 2877 pictures of stones family names starting with Vit-Vuj

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       page 2879 pictures of stones family names starting with Wai-Wal

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       page 2882 pictures of stones family names starting with Wat-Web

       page 2883 pictures of stones family names starting with Wat-Web

       page 2884 pictures of stones family names starting with Wed-Wei

       page 2885 pictures of stones family names starting with Weingartz

       page 2886 pictures of stones family names starting with Wei-Wel

       page 2887 pictures of stones family names starting with Wel-Wes

       page 2888 pictures of stones family names starting with Whalen

       page 2889 pictures of stones family names starting with Wha-Whi

       page 2890 pictures of stones family names starting with Whi-Wie

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       page 2892 pictures of stones family names starting with Wiegand

       page 2893 pictures of stones family names starting with Wie-Wil

       page 2894 pictures of stones family names starting with Wil-Wir

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       page 2896 pictures of stones family names starting with Woj

       page 2897 pictures of stones family names starting with Wok-Wol

       page 2898 pictures of stones family names starting with Wolf

       page 2899 pictures of stones family names starting with Wolf

        Book 29

       page 2901 pictures of stones family names starting with Wolf

       page 2902 pictures of stones family names starting with Wol-

       page 2903 pictures of stones family names starting with Wo

       page 2904 pictures of stones family names starting with Wouters-Wro

       page 2905 pictures of stones family names starting with wu- Y

       page 2906 pictures of stones family names starting with Y

       page 2907 pictures of stones family names starting with Zab-Zar

       page 2908 pictures of stones family names starting with Zar-Zaw

       page 2909 pictures of stones family names starting with Zb- Ze

       page 2910 pictures of stones family names starting with Zid-Zie

       page 2911 pictures of stones family names starting with Zie-Zm

       page 2912 pictures of stones family names starting with Zm-Zo

       page 2913 pictures of stones family names starting with Zr-zz

       page 2914 pictures of additional stones at moment is empty

        What page is the stone on? Old Stone Index

       pages 2915-16 pictures of unknown stones

       pages 2917-18 pictures of unknown stones

       pages 2919-20 pictures of unknown stones

       pages 2921-30 Recent burials being updated

      See some Beautiful Fall Colors Fall Color

       pages 2931-32 Stones of Children and those who died young. Names starting with A-Bu

       pages 2933-34 Died Young Stones Bu-Du

       pages 2935-36 Died Young Stones Ea-Gr

       pages 2937-38 Died Young Stones Gr-Ka

       pages 2939-40 Died Young Stones Kl-Ma

       pages 2941-42 Died Young Stones Ma-Pa

       pages 2943-44 Died Young Stones Ps-Sc

       pages 2945-46 Died Young Stones Sc-Sp

       pages 2947-48 Died Young Stones Ta-Wa

       pages 2949-50 Died Young Stones Wa-Zz

  p10101 Book 101 Burials by Year (in progress) 10101 Burials by Year

  2331 Study of Old Center Line Families in St Clement Cemetery Work in Progress     p10201 Book 102 Children at St Clement & Who is actually buried there. Children Buried At St Clement

  St Clement Actual Old Records

It is possible that these books no longer exist. St Clement no longer has them. They are gone. So you cannot go there and see them. I now publish them from my digital copy so the community will have them now and so future generations will have them.

    Book 104 Actual St Clement Records 10401 The Old St Clement Records



    my page 10404st clmnt Jan 1857.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10405st clmnt Oct 1857.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10406 st Clmnt Oct 1858.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10407 st clmnt Oct 1858.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10408 st clmnt Aug 1859.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10409st clmnt Jun 1860.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10410st clmnt May 1861.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10411st clmnt Aug 1862.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10412st clmnt Feb 1863.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10413st clmnt Feb 1864.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10414st clmnt Jan 1865.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10415st clmnt Dec 1865.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10416st clmnt Jul 1866.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10417st clmnt Jul 1866.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10418st clmnt Jun 1867.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10419st clmnt Sep 1868.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10420st clmnt Sep 1868.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10421st clmnt Oct 1869.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10422st clmnt Jul 1870.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10423st clmnt Jan 1871.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10424st clmnt May 1871.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10425st clmnt May 1871.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10426st clmnt Oct 1871.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10427st clmnt Jan 1873.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10428st clmnt Aug 1873.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10429st clmnt Jan 1874.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10430st clmnt Feb 1875.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10431st clmnt Jul 1875.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10432st clmnt Jan 1876.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10433st clmnt Aug 1876.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10434 st clmnt Oct 1876.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10435 st clmnt Apr 1877.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10436 st clmnt Aug 1877.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10437 st clmnt Jan 1878.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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            Book 105 in the Wes Arnold Historical Collection Actual St Clement Records

    my page 10500 st clmnt marr Jun 1882.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10507 st clmnt Baptisims 1.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10508 st clmnt Baptisms Feb 1854.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10509 st clmnt baptisms Oct 1856.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10510 st clmnt baptsms Mar 1857.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10527 st clmnt baptms Dec 1860.JPG The Old St Clement Records

       Start of new book

    my page 10528 st clmnt no year on page might be 1885 Apr.JPG The Old St Clement Records

        See record page 10554 for page following above. These were photographed in that order. I did not want to change the page number because the page ending number corresponds to the negative number given in other books. Here it is.

    my page 10554 st clmnt no year may be 1885 Aug.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10553 st clmnt Oct 1897.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10554 st clmnt no year may be 1885 Aug.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10556 st clmnt Nov 1886.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10557 st clmnt May 1887.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10559 st clmnt Feb 1888.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10572 st clmnt May 1894.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10573 st clmnt Feb1895.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10574 St Clement Aug 1895.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10575 St Clement Mar 1896.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10576 St Clement Oct 1896.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page my page 10577 St Clement Jan 1897.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10582 st clmnt Jul 1899 The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10598 st clmnt Mar 1913.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10599 st Clement Jan 1914.JPG The Old St Clement Records

            Wes Arnold's Historical Collection Book 106

    my page 10600 St Clement Aug 1914.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10601 St Clement Jan 1915.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10602 st clmnt Aug 1915.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10603 St Clement Mar 1916.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10604 st clment Oxct 1916.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10605 st clemtnt Jan 1917.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10606 st clement Sep 1917.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10607 st clment Sep 1918.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10610 St Clement Jun 1919.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10614 St Clement Jun 1898.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10616 St Clement Jan 1900.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10617 St Clement Jul 1900.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10618 St Clement Apr 1901.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10619 St Clement Nov 1901.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10620 St Clement Jul 1902.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10621 St Clement Feb 1903.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10622 St Clement Nov 1903.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10623 St Clement Apr 1904.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10625 St Clement Jun 1905.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10637 St clement Dec 1915.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10639 St Clement Dec 1916.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10640 St Clement Apr 1917.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10641 St Clement Feb 1918.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10643 St Clement Jan 1919.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10644 St Clement May 1919.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10645 St Clement Dec 1919.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10648 St Clement Jan 1922.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    Note Pages were sometimes photographed Odd side then Even side in a row so may not be directly next to each other.

    my page 10649 St Clement 1929.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10650 St Clement 1929 R.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10651 St Clement 1929-30 R.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10654 St Clement 1930-31 R.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10655 St Clement 1931-32 R.JPG The Old St Clement Records

    my page 10656 St Clement 1931-32.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10658 St Clement 1932-33 R.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10661 St Clement 1934 L.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10665 St Clement 1935-6-7 R .JPG The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10667 St clement 1937 L.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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    my page 10679 St Clement 1941-42 R.JPG The Old St Clement Records

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  Death Records

  Actual Macomb County Death Records
    10701 START IN 1867

    10702 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    10703 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    10704 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    10705 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    10706 Actual Macomb County Death Records

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    10713 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    14 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    15 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    16 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    17 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    18 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    19 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    20 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    21 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    22 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    23 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    24 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    25 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    26 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    27 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    28 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    29 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    30 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    31 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    32 Actual Macomb County Death Records

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    34 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    35 Actual Macomb County Death Records

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    44 Actual Macomb County Death Records

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    65 Actual Macomb County Death Records

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    68 Actual Macomb County Death Records

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    72 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    73 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    74 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    75 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    76 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    77 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    78 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    79 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    80 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    81 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    82 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    83 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    84 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    85 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    86 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    87 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    88 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    89 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    90 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    91 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    92 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    93 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    94 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    95 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    96 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    97 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    98 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    99 Actual Macomb County Death Records

            Book 108 More Actual Macomb County Death Records

    100 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    101 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    102 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    103 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    104 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    105 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    106 Actual Macomb County Death Records

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    108 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    109 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    110 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    111 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    112 Actual Macomb County Death Records

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    115 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    116 Actual Macomb County Death Records

    117 Actual Macomb County Death Records

        Gravestones at Warren Union Cemetery

  We cannot guarantee that the stones below will still be there next week. Warren Michigan is the only city we know of that has not made the two grave robbers return the stones they stole which they did not own out of a cemetery they do not own and who finally acknowledged that they did it. This was done by two persons without vote of the society membership, Village Commission or a public hearing. And it was done on the sly. Two grave robbers have been actively behind the stealing of memorials including the only granite memorial that listed many of our Warren boys who served and were buried there. And they stole the Warren Unknown Soldier Memorial, and a memorial honoring our flag, and a Veterans memorial that honored all of our veterans and those killed in attacks on our country. And they stole a Children's and a Pioneer Memorial honoring the many children and pioneers who are buried in Warren Union Cemetery and now have no marker. And they have stolen an epitaph stone off of a grave and other memorials. The reason given was that families did not have their permission to place them there. Those memorials were harming no one, hurting nothing, were causing no harm. There was lots of room for them there. They were donated without cost to the city. Nothing was found wrong with these stones at a later meeting. The real reason they did this was probably that they could not take credit for them. This is a social club rather than a true historical group and they love to take credit and want to control everything historical in this city. This group virtually does not do research and has ignored research and has failed to maintain and preserve records and other evidence for decades. They had ignored for years until finally just recently life threatening conditions at this cemetery (tall stones that were tilting and could hurt an adult or kill a child that are too heavy to get off of someone.) meanwhile taking credit for most everything historical in the city. I have supported the Warren Historical Society in 99% of its activities and will continue to do so.
On the positive side they do a good job maintaining the historical gallery and putting up very expensive metal post markers at old buildings. However they should be preserving and safeguarding our history not stealing thousands of dollars worth of families' memorials and trashing them effectively destroying history for future generations. Young people no longer are taught history in school. Now our Warren soldiers who served and died and who at least earned a name on a granite marker have had their honorable service trashed. We veterans condemn this action. See the Macomb Daily July 15, 2011 which states that they were behind this. We Veterans are planning legal action against them and are looking for attorneys who are veterans to help us.


  p3300 Vol 33 Warren Union Cemetery - IN COLOR introduction.93p 3300-3393_Warren Union Cemetery Warren Michigan

  Warren Union Cemetery Stones by Grave

  Below are two pages at a time which are faster loading.
3101-8 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery
3109-11 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Starting with Abe Abe-Ame
3112-15 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Starting with Arn Arn-Bar
3116-17 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Starting with Bar Bar-Bea
3118-20 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Starting with Beh Beh-Ber
3121-22 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Starting with Ber Ber-Bit
3123-24 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Starting with Boe Boe-Bol
3125-26 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Starting with Bow Bow-Bra and some broken
3127-3136 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Starting with Bri Bri-Bus
3137-3142 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Starting with Den Den-Dis
3143-3150 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Starting with Ges Ges-Gil
3151-3156 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Starting with Ha Har-Har yes correct
3157-3166 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Starting with Hoa Hoa-Hox
3167-3172 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Starting with Lad LaD-Mar
3173-3178 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Starting with Mie Mie-Mit
3179-3184 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Starting with Pea Pea-Pen
3185-3190 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Starting with Rem Rem-Ros
3191-3196 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Starting with Sch only Sch
3197-3201 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Starting with Sta Sta-Sti
3197-8 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Sta-Sti
3199-0 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Sti - Str and Schuer William
  3201-02 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Tan -Thi
3203-4 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Thi-Van
3205-6Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Van-Wal
3207-8 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Wal-Wer
3209-10 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Wie-Wil
3211-12 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Wil-Wei
3213-15 Gravestones Warren Union Cemetery Young-Zorn

    Wesley Arnold historical researcher is doing continuing research into the St Clement and Warren Union Cemeteries. He invites others to join him. He says it is not about him but about preserving our local history. Some people that are alive today have more information and we need to write that down before they die and it is lost forever.
All of my research is free for all to use. Bless you and Protect our Freedom.
  I need an assistant to hold shades and light so that better pictures can be made so you will be better able to read inscriptions.


  Who's Who and Old Families by individual

Who’s Who And Old Families
The books below are an improved and expanded Who's Who of the Warren Michigan Area for the last 100 years. The purpose is to provide historical data on those who helped with the betterment of our community. Feel free to have names added. Friends of History is looking for names of Veterans and teachers and those who did good to our community. They will be recorded here so they will not be forgotten. Old Families books have family info over 60 years old (due privacy concerns.)

  p12,000 Vol 120 Old Families A   12000 Old Families A page 12,000

  p12,200 Vol 122 Old Families B   12200 Old Families B. page 12,200

  p12,400 Vol 124 Old Families C   12400 Old Families C page 12,400

  p12,600 Vol 126 Old Families D   12600 Old Families D page 12,600

  p12,800 Vol 128 Old Families E   12800 Old Families E page 12,800

  p13000 Vol 130 Old Families F   13000 Old Families F page 13,000

  p 13,200 Vol 132 Old Families G   13200 Old Families G page 13,200

  p13,400 Vol 134 Old Families H   13400 Old Families H page 13,400

  p13,600 Vol 136 Old Families I   13600 Old Families I page 13,600

  p13,800 Vol 138 Old Families J   13800 Old Families J page 13,800

  p14,000 Vol 140 Old Families K   14000 Old Families K page 14,000

  p14,200 Vol 142 Old Families L   14200 Old Families L page 14,200

  p14,400 Vol 144 Old Families M   14400 Old Families M page 14,400

  p14,600 Vol 146 Old Families N   14600 Old Families N page 14,600

  p14,800 Vol 148 Old Families O   14800 Old Families O page 14,800

  p15,000 Vol 150 Old Families P   15000 Old Families P page 15,000

  p15,200 Vol 152 Old Families Q   15200 Old Families Q page 15,200

  p15,400 Vol 154 Old Families R   15400 Old Families R. page 15,400

  p15,600 Vol 156 Old Families S   15600 Old Families S page 15,600

  p15,800 Vol 158 Old Families T   15800 Old Families T. page 15,800

  p16,000 Vol 160 Old Families UV   16000 Old Families U page 16,000

  p16,200 Vol 162 Old Families V   16200 Old Families V page 16,200

  p16,400 Vol 164 Old Families WX   16400 Old Families WX page 16,400

  p16600 Vol 166 Old Families Y   16600 Old Families Y page 16,600

  p16,800 Vol 168 Old Families Z   16800 Old Families Z page 16,800

  page 17,001 Vol 170 Who's Who A   17001 Whos Who A page 17,001

  page 17,001 Vol 170 Who's Who A   17001 Whos Who A page 17,001
These are Word files but here is a pdf just in case...
  p17,200 Vol 172 Who's Who B   17200 Whos Who B page 17,200

  p17,400 Vol 174 Who's Who C   17400 Whos Who C page 17,400

  p17,600 Vol 176 Who's Who D   17600 Whos Who D page 17,600

  p17,800 Vol 178 Who's Who E   17800 Whos Who E page 17,800

  p18,000 Vol 180 Who's Who F   18000 Whos Who F page 18,000

  p18,200 Vol 182 Who's Who G   18200 Whos Who G page 18,200

  p18,400 Vol 184 Who's Who H   18400 Whos Who H page 18,400

  p18,600 Vol 186 Who's Who I   18600 Whos Who I page 18,600

  p18,800 Vol 188 Who's Who J   18800 Whos Who J page 18,800

  p19,000 Vol 190 Who's Who K   19000 Whos Who K page 19,000

  p19,200 Vol 192 Who's Who L   19200 Whos Who L page 19,200

  p19,400 Vol 194 Who's Who M   19400 Whos Who M page 19,400

  p19,600 Vol 196 Who's Who N   19600 Whos Who N page 19,600

  p19,800 Vol 198 Who's Who O   19800 Whos Who O page 19,800

  p20,000 Vol 200 Who's Who P   20000 Whos Who P page 20,000

  p20,200 Vol 202 Who's Who Q   20200 Whos Who Q page 20,200

  p20,400 Vol 204 Who's Who R   20400 Whos Who R page 20,400

  p20,600 Vol 206 Who's Who S   20600 Whos Who S page 20,600

  p20,800 Vol 208 Who's Who T   20800 Whos Who T page 20,800

  p21,000 Vol 210 Who's Who U   21000 Whos Who U page 21,000

  p21,200 Vol 212 Who's Who V   21200 Whos Who V page 21,200

  p21,400 Vol 214 Who's Who WX   21400 Whos Who WX page 21,400

  p21,600 Vol 216 Who's Who Y   21600 Whos Who Y page 21,600

  p21,800 Vol 218 Who's Who Z   21800 Whos Who Z page 21,800


Index to entire work starts on page 22,001 index itself is 500 pages long but since this whole collection was just totally reordered in time and in alphabetical order I have to redo the entire index.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..    Here is a picture about what the American Way of Life is supposed to be and what we fought for and what thousands of my brother soldiers died for.


 Congratulations on making it thru the listing of nearly 20,000 pages of this Free Educational Archive which is soon going to Local Libraries and Library of Congress.


   We as Americans have been very fortunate to have lived in a great time of prosperity and peace. If you look at other times and places people died by the thousands in wars, and by diseases, and they starved and did without necessities.

   We have a Improving Things For All Think Tank to share ideas at Idea sharing Think Tank    All Are Welcome

    OBSERVATIONS and Thoughts Feel free to add your own.
    And the suffering continues today with needless poverty, crime, cruelty, slavery, abuse,
    lack of jobs, lack of training, lack of economic opportunity, censorship,
    and not making human rights listed in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    available to all. Governments instead of protecting citizens especially children
    are allowing others to steal and destroy their property, education and future.
    WE HAVE CREATED ABUNDANCE FOR NEARLY EVERYONE. Look at Walmart just about everything
    anyone needs except affordable housing, medical coverage, and a decent well paying job.
    Most diseases have been cured and research is working on cures for the rest.
    However the middle class is practically gone. They are now in a recession.
    Don't believe it look at the vacant businesses and people forced to buy used cars.
    In 1970 as a humble clerk I saved for 3 years and bought a new car out of the showroom.
    Now two people working can't even afford a good used car.

    The 1% of the population live in excessive wealth and get raises while us 99%
    live in near poverty and many are often working for less than we have in the past.

    CEOs make multi millions each while their employees sometimes have to go on welfare to buy food.
    Medical Corporations make excessive profits while people can't afford needed medicine.

    Many corporations make big profits but pay very little taxes. GE and Bank of America
    pay no income tax at all. In fact our crooked congress allows over 200 coporations
    doing business here to pay no income taxes.

    All humans can now have and should have adequate good food, clothing, shelter, medical care,
    education, training for jobs, and employment. The government can provide training and create jobs.
    At this time in history poverty is unnecessary, and unacceptable.
   No child should be without adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care and good education.

    Automation is here like it or not. Machines with computers and AI
    are replacing humans now and this will happen to most jobs.

    I teach technology at a college. My text books started saying 4 years ago that 60% of most jobs will replaced by automation in the form of computer programs, clowd programs, bots or robots. That is happening now. Thousands are losing their jobs but very few new jobs are being created to replace them. So although just now we have a big shortage of knowledable people qualified for skilled and knowledge jobs we will soon have thousands of people without jobs and relatively few jobs created.
Therefore we will have to either put them on welfare because there are few jobs for workfare, or we will need to create a basic income for all.
Autonomous vehicles will be putting millions of drivers out of work.
Machines will be doing most stocking and retail jobs.
Computers with AI will be replacing many lawyers, doctors, technitions and other skilled workers.
Our local GM factory had over 3000 workers in the past and now it is filled with robots.
And soon under 200 humans.
A Pharmacy machine in California has filled over 100 thousand prescriptions without an error,
while also checking drug interactions something the human pharmacist does not have time to do.
Oh and this machine works 24/7 even when the pharmacy is closed and the lights are off.
And it never gets a paycheck or takes vacations.
Your local fast food is putting in order kiosks that take orders and make change.
Fast food is putting automated machines to do most of the human work.
Soon you may only see a couple of people at fast food places rather than multiple person crews.
Retail will have robot stock people. Lowes even has a robot that roams the aisles helping customers. It can answer hardware questions because it has been given the knowledge of many experienced hardware people. It can tell you whether the item you show it is in the store and how many are in the inventory and the price. Retail clerks are going to be laidoff by the thousands. Autonomous delivery vehicles are going to be replacing thousands of delivery people. Pizza deliverers will be replaced by vehicles with compartments that open only to the credit card used to place the order. ATMs have already replaced millions of tellers. Bots are now writing newspaper and magazine articles. Most of the time they do very well but the other day I saw one article that but had a couple of sentences that were gramatically correct but were obviously not written by a human.
Look at this video Humans need not apply. And general purpose robots that can be told or shown how to do a job will be replacing thousands of blue collar jobs without creating many new jobs. Lawn mowing, carpet cleaning, trimming, dishwashing, berger flipping, crop picking, planting, painting, stocking, doing inventory, medical coding, answering customer questions, brick laying robots are already a reality. Well that is great I don't like washing dishes or mowing the lawn. But what do we do with the thousands out of work with very few jobs to be found?

    Here is a possible fix. We need to have the government put up solar panels
    nation wide to get free power daily. Have the electric companies buy this free power
    and put the huge profit into a fund and then give every citizen an equal financial credit.
    This provides at least minimum income for all citizens including children.
    All would still be free to work.
    Automation is already happening now and jobs are going to machines.

    Wise management and science can solve problems.
    Why not have abundance for all including you?

    Managers, Leaders, Legislators and those with wealth and power should ask
    "What is the best to do for all citizens for the future."
    Not what they are doing now which is What is best for my profits?
    Join our Improving Things For All Think Tank and help us find solutions. It is on Facebook or here Idea sharing Think Tank     All Are Welcome

Professor Wesley Arnold humanitarian historian e-mail

Main web page


    You can add to your community's History. Write down history that you know and biographies and send them to me. I will give you full credit as author. Your comments and or help are welcome. Help me preserve our local history for future generations. Bless you all and Best Wishes for a peaceful a prosperous future and a better world for all.



From old history site

MILLIONS of years before present to 1699
Click on Prehistory to see
Spaceship Earth       Geology    plate tectonics animation     Birth of the Earth & Beginning of Life on Earth   The Local Animals     The Secret Planet Earth;    Structure of the Earth    Earth: Making of a Planet - National Geographic     Dinosaurs    Walking With Dinosaurs: The Feathered Dinosaur       Early Earth and Plate Tectonics      wolves attack moose    650 Million Years in under 2 minutes     Basics of Geography: Climate     Howling Wolves     Wolf Pack Howl     Space School- Strange Things In Space     very interesting    

INDIANS and how they lived
Click on Indians to see videos, history and stories about them Also see America before Columbus, Life in the Stone Age, Wolves, Cougar, Native American dances,WARREN WILDERNESS, Pow Wow, Plea of Chief Joseph, Stories from Stone Age, 10 Indian Commandments, Untold Truth of Native Americans, Once Upon a Time.

To see Under French and British control Click Foreign Rulers

The American Revolution and War of 1812 Click here
Constitution 1787

Bill of Rights 1791
    Many are almost gone today.
Political correctness is censorship.
Are Americans becoming a minority in their own country?
    America's Song   Story of Yankee Doodle    Cutting Big Trees Indian Woman Saves Governor    The Settling of our Area   7th US Cavalry and "Comanche"     Eviction of the Indians
The Air was pure The Water was pure
1830-1893    Abel and Sarah Warren Pioneers         Who Was Warren named After    First Settlers    Indian Good Turn Farms and Activities.

Dairy Farming   5 Minute DairyTour     Dairy Farm Good Video Farmers Tribute: So God Made A Farmer    Farming Oopps! 2    Way of Life in Good Old Days

Diary of American Farmer This is Daniel Stewart's Diarys 1868-1904

Farming Machinery     Tractors In Trouble    Tools    Farm Views    Old- Warren Views
Making Clothing    Old Things    Farm Equipment
    Bunert-Weier Farm 1    Bunert Farm 2

Daily Activity & Diaries     Warren Farms    Qualman House   
Crops     Log Cabins     1800 Things    1800 Inside

Farm Animals     stuck tractors    Baby Animals
What did Settlers Eat?    Farmers    Get A Horse
Best John Wayne Quote - ever!
Garry Owen ( American military march )
Roy Clark & Grampa Jones - Born To Be
Way of Life Views     Way of Life Views 3    Way of Life Views 4
Video Old scenes  

CountryStore Country Store    Inside Old Stores

To see Warren Village, Warren Views and Old Businesses Click on Warren Views and Old Businesses
To See Old time Doings Click on Old Time Doings

To see our Church History and Bells Click on Churches Civil War click on Civil War History and Videos

1850-1900 Age of Steam     Transportation    Engine 1225    Train Travel 1800s Train travel was better than flying is now and still is. You can get up and walk around. Lots of rest rooms. Dining car or snacks sold. Has sleeping and lounge cars. Constantly changing scenery. Often good companionship.
Leviathan Running
Chasing the SP Daylight 4449     Freedom Train  Our Steam Powered Sawmills     TRAINS UNLIMITED.."STEAM TRAINS"    Steam Power

To See More on Trains and Trollys click
Watch some great videos. Wonderful trips also. Durango Silverton. Amtrak accross the USA
Roads First Roads    Bob Rinke Planked Roads
Buba's Speakeasy reminds patrons to use shave and haircut two bits knock then step back so they can be seen thru peephole. Remember We must also check front and side peepholes to make sure no prohibition agents are around. Please use spitoons not the floor! Did your auto get stuck? We have horses to rent. Get a horse. Much more reliable.

1900-1939 Automobiles    Who were Streets named After    Home Inventions    Home Interiors 1900s     Local Streets    Fotos of Our Time need fotos 1800s    early 1900s    Inventions   
MAPS Locals and Locations are now on the MAPS PAGE
Over 50 Maps are located there and more are planned.

Concise History of the Center Line-Warren Michigan Area

  Concise History of Warren 2018 Showing over 1000 pictures in one place.

These absolutely have more history of our pioneers and Warren Township and HAVE MORE RESEARCH and are FREE here.

See pictures and history about our EDUCATION and schools Click on Education

A majority of today's 12th grade graduates could not even pass the 6th grade examination of a hundred years ago. Here it is. Can they pass the 1890 6th grade test?
When were the schools built?

Today's parenting and many students are an insult to real education. Don't blame the teachers. Why?
Teacher's Contract    as follows May not have company of men, Must be home by 8 pm, Must not loiter in ice-cream stores, May not leave town without permission, May not smoke or drink, May not ride in a carriage or auto with any man, Must not dress in bright colors, Must wear at least two petticoats, No makeup, Must sweep and scrub classroom floor, Must build wood fire at 7 am, Must not get married. Must be able to survive on $75 a month and buy all children's school supplies out of that also.
Police, Civil Defense, Fire Protection and Courts, Click on Defense
Press, Media, News, Community Click on News See many newspapers from past years. find out about new media. Is censorship happening?
Libraries and Information
Our Libraries    Main Library
Heck no you can't find everything on the Internet. Now much information is obtained from the Internet which is partly censored and where information is sometimes controlled or not reported.
Observation:   They who control the media now may control the people or rather the sheeple. The big brothers are ever increasing their control. They control the banks and virtually all of our money. We are in a virtually electronically controlled money society now. Doubt that? How much of your banking and purchases are done in cash without electronic involvement? Do you get your income in cash? Do your pay your bills in cash? Who got bailed out? And who paid for it? Who now has to pay higher interest rates while the bankers pay little to none.

Why the comments? Well this is history. Research these comments. Look at censorship. On 9-11 there were people dancing in the streets in Dearborn, and in the student union building at WSU. Every time the TV displayed a plane hitting the WTC they cheered. It was reported on some news. Now you cannot find a trace of those reports. Why? Censorship. Political correctness is also censorship. Saudi interests do own large pieces of news media, TV stations and many newspapers. A reporter dare not publish a story, even if it is the truth the least negative about Ms or risk being threatened.

Even some local libraries practice censorship. My DVDs were censored by the Warren library for unknown reasons. Many people have told me there is absolutely no reason to censor anything in my works. I am an old veteran and strive to tell the truth based on research. Sure I state a few opinions but they are educated ones which may not be politically correct.

Martha Burczak's wonderful history book was pulled from the shelves. This is censorship. This was unfair to her and to people wanting to read about our local history. And it is against the constitution. Those of you who have a copy know there is nothing in that book that justifies this action. So now the people of Warren are deprived of both her and my histories which are the best and most accurate and researched histories published. Yet there are many videos with immoral content one can rent from the library.

Don't forget Tom Sawyer was banned by some libraries because it used the n word which was not used in a demeaning way but rather the the terminology of his time for dark skinned people. But to ban history books for reporting research based history is not only wrong but is a violation of our freedom of the press and a violation of the public's need to know.
See Civic Groups, Bands, and Activities Click on Activities See Boblo Boats, Historic Bands, music, recreation, diaries, making clothing, theaters, much more
See Along Van Dyke, Center Line. Click on Along Van Dyke Cities inside Warren Township

Millers Tavern on Van Dyke North of Ten Mile Road.late 1800s

Van Dyke looking North at St Clement Church

1st St Clement Church.Van Dyke just North of Ten Mile Road avout 1860

Van Dyke looking South at Ten Mile Road early 1900s just after electricity put in. On the "Centre" Line

Around 1900 Van Dyke and Church Road (Engleman)

See History 1917-1999 click on History 1917-1999

 Motor City Theatre Bobby Vinton new words to Old Lang Syne
Carl Sagan on Who speaks for Earth? So explain to me why we should kill each other. If you want to go to war so much you rich politician then you go. Don't send me or my sons and daughters to be killed so you can make money. Most wars can be prevented with discussions. There are better ways to solve disputes than killing. In most wars the innocent die, the guilty and greedy get rich.
I Ain't Marching Anymore - Phil Ochs 2000s The Entertainment culture grows Great Movie Scores One    Two    Three    Four   

Definition of History Definition of History from the Meriam-Webster Dictionary "a chronological record of significant events (as affecting a nation or institution) often including an explanation of their causes" Many Americans have died because of 9-11 and because of terrorists.
Islamists second WTC Attack 9-11 Islamists Attack on Pentagon   911 twin towers crash footage     Attack on America    Classical 9-11 Tribute
Even Horses tribute    must see   Proud to be an American WTC WTC PHOTOS 9/11    INSIDE 9/11 : ZERO HOUR part 1   9-11 part 2    9-11 part 3    9-11 part 4     "9/11" full length 2006 version   We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore US Airforce version    About the ideology of the men who performed the two attacks on the WTC and Pentagon, and the underwear bomber over Detroit, and the Times Square bomber, and the shoe bomber, and the Ft Hood killer as he shouted praise to Allah as he killed multiple people just to name a few of the hundreds of them. Look to see what book commands them to do this and what reward is promised. To see the truth about this ideology just look at human rights in countries they have taken over. Look at Women's and girl's rights. Look at girl's education and opportunity in their society. Do a Google search on "child brides" and honor killings. Look at how people are punished and for what. Look at "Freedom of Religion" in these countries. See what they do to non believers. See for yourself. You will discover there is a big difference in what they tell you their ideology does and what they really do in practice once they get a majority in a country.
9.11.01 World Trade Center Attack    Who was responsible and how many have really died since?   Just look at their actions. Actions speak louder than words. We have discovered that we cannot always trust their words.
Proud to be an American WTC     The Rising Bruce Springsteen ~ a tribute to the 9/11 attacks     Flag Stands for Freedom    God Bless the USA Lee Greenwood   
Iraq and Afghanistan Iraq and Afghanistan   Please look at this great CNN site for a minute, then Please click on List view and scroll down. Please. And think about were any of these points on the maps worth the dear price that was paid? Why are we not learning from history? Or are there other factors involved. Yes. Follow the money trail.
The following is for people with mature minds that think in terms of reality.  Shootout! Iraq's Ambush Alley 5 Pictures of the real war in Iraq with music

War in Iraq     Inside the Iraq War     Iran-Iraq War 1980 to 1988 Part 1
  US troops attacked and ambushed
  I did not include gorey videos or ones showing our men in pieces or the speech for the most part directed at the islamists responsible by men who just lost their friends. But you will have to forgive soldiers language because when you have just put your best friends body parts into a body bag one is not inclined to hold back ones feelings and expression of them in soldier language. I can assure you that the scenes you see here are only a glimpse of battle and what our men and women have gone thru is in many cases a lot worse than this for months on end. Remember each shot you hear could mean the end of a life for us or them. This is real real real not like the movies where actors get up and walk away.
  History channel Shootout 1    Shootout! Iraq's Ambush Alley 2
  Shootout! Iraq's Ambush Alley 5     D-Day Fallujah 1    Fallujah 2     Fallujah 3
    Fallujah 4     Fallujah 5     Shootout! Iraq's Ambush 3     Shootout! Iraq's Ambush Alley 4

American Legion Warning to US
Afghanistan     Our Afghanistan    Heroes     Support Our Troops    A Soldier's War
  SAS The Search For Warriors     Your Freedom's not Free     Kris Kristofferson The Hero
    Patriotic Song About America     U.S. Navy SEALs in Afghanistan - CBS 60 Minutes
  Close Ambush from Taliban     The Battle for Marjah
    Frontline SAS SBS in Afghanistan     Discovery Special Operations
  U.S Marine Tribute - My Sacrifice     If I die Before You Wake    Superman Soldier tribute
  Endorse Liberty     If your reading this     When I'm Gone Tribute to the Troops
    US Military Tribute - Far Away - Nickleback     Ron Paul tells a truth nobody wants to hear
  Give Peace A Chance     Memorial     Must see Thanks    50 seconds  

To see ANTI GREED AKA OCCUPY click Here     See Lessons and comments from looking at history Click on Lessons of History Historic Markers Warren History long text 140 pages    Warren Historic Markers  State Markers  
Our Flag flies for Freedom with  Liberty and Justice for all

  Remember Your Freedom is not Free
Old Lang Syne         9/11 Freedom Isn't Free (Tribute to Heros & Victims )    God Bless the USA 4 minutes to remember - 9/11 tribute     Memorial Day Video    The True Meaning of Memorial Day
  Fallen Soldiers Tribute
  Warren's Arsenal of Democracy         Current War Fotos     War coming on American Soil ?
No bodies,, 9/13     US Army Ranger Cadence (If I Die In A Drop Zone)     Love will find a way
  Many died
Veterans    Our Veterans The Book     Our Warren Area Veterans     Veteran List    Macomb County Veterans Memorial
  The Freedom Tree   Current Wars     Warren Veterans Memorial    
Biographies     Mail     (old) Center Line History (Long text)

Warren History    

    Some serious Questions arise. Or should they just be ignored? Thank God we still have freedom of speech to ask these Questions. Or as in the movie Enemy of The State (a must see movie) will Big Brother trample us?
Heroes Are Hard to Find (lyrics)

  My Country Tis of Thee
World Trade Center Memorial with beautiful Music BEAUTIFUL We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore US Airforce version  We're Not Gonna Take It lyrics   Proud to be an American WTC  


 Thousands of our folks are casualties of warfare.
Many were from Michigan.
How would you like to try to live with no arms, no legs and no mouth?
You served to give them their freedom and now they are back to blowing up Americans and each other up because they are commanded in their book to kill non believers by verses 9:5, 4:89, 47:4, 5:48, 9:29, 2:216, 9:36, 8:12 and many other verses. And for doing so they are told that they will go to Paradise (Q verse 9-111.) And many more verses command killing of non believers in order to spread their killing cult around the world. Over 8,000 of us soldiers have died trying to free them since 9-11. Their law promotes child rape marriage and sex to girls of age 9 because their prophet did so. Their law rejects most human rights and forbids them from accepting any law except Isl law which rejects the bill of rights in our constitution. Their law also forbids them from leaving their cult under penalty of death. Don't take us veterans word for this see for your self that their actions speak louder than words. Thousands of killing attacks since 9-11. Boston Marathon bombing, truck and bonb attacks on innocent persons. And just look at their actions in countries they control. Look how they treat girls. See for yourself. Visit for more facts, actual law citations, and list of attacks. They don't even want to live in their own countries because life there is so bad so they are coming here by the thousands. Don't take our word for it you can verify this is the truth yourself. We dont hate. We just want them to stop the killing and abuse of girls and women. We still have the freedom of speech in our country to speak up and we have the courage to stand up to them and many of us have died doing so. We will not forget our brothers and sisters soldiers who were killed and we will not forget 9-11.

Need a reason? Here are 32 of our young Michigan reasons murdered fighting for Freedom
which is now called Human Rights.